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    40 Days

    The Book of Jonah.
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    I was Baptist then Calvary Chapel then Baptist and then started studying church history and doctrine and became Lutheran. U like the close connection that we keep to heritage and lineage of the faith. I also like the very formal celebratory way that we have church.
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    What church are you a member of? I think he really has a problem with old traditional stuff, like vestments and candles and such. But such thing are not commanded nor forbidden so they are up to the congregation. I happen to like the vestments and banners and candles and art work. I find it...
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    Do We Really Have the Gift of the Holy Spirit's Truth????

    Jesus said we must come to him as little children. Children believe what is told to them. They dont need to rationalize and logic and reconcile it with common thought or material understanding.
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    Do We Really Have the Gift of the Holy Spirit's Truth????

    Its really not that hard. Read what the Bible says about any given doctrinal subject and believe what the Bible says about it. Even if you have to change your mind. Jesus said come to him as a little child. Children believe what is told to them.
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    Ezekiel 14:14 A scary thought for America.

    Yep. But God is gracious and is patient for long times. This dont mean his patience isnt wearing thin, so to speak. This is why I pray as it is written in the Psalms. Those who trust in the Lord Are like Mount Zion, Which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround...
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    The suburban wasteland?

    I was blessed to grow up mostly in the country, where we swam in the rivers, creeks, lakes, and ponds, rode bicycles miles and miles. We fished, and camped many nights on the river bank. My grandpa had horses and we would go riding off into the wilderness for miles. Sometimes we would just camp...
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    That passage is part of a much larger passage that explains it very clearly
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    I don't think you will see many politicians in heaven.

    Favorite politician? I'm not anyones judge so I cant say who is going to Heaven and who aint. However from the egregious evil that comes from many of them, its easy to know that unless they repent they are in trouble.
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    Our Efforts Will Alter The Face Of The World.

    The reason we work for the betterment of our world around us is because Jesus said to Love your neighbor as yourself. So we minister to them and we seek what is best for them. This is the meaning of love. When the sons of thunder wanted to call down fire to destroy Jesus said you do not know of...
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    He doesn't have a huge platform and neither is he a celebrity. Anyone can have a podcast and anyone can have a YouTube channel. And he is the pastor of an average Lutheran Church which is not a lucrative position.
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    E mail him or message him on his youtube channel. He answers people all the time.
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    Our Efforts Will Alter The Face Of The World.

    Christians have changed the face of the world and the opposition hates it.
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    Well, we arent gonna agree, so we may as well not argue about it.
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    How do you reconcile these verse

    Because people marry for the wrong reasons. Because people tend to be selfish Because people are sinful So dont do those things. Marry for the right reasons Love you wife as God loves the church Live a life of repentance. Now marriage is as good as humanly possible.
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    Our Efforts Will Alter The Face Of The World.

    Because the government rounds them up and they just disappear.
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    Our Efforts Will Alter The Face Of The World.

    No. Everyone does not. There are many of us who don't care what a sociopathic mass murdering megalomaniac had to say.
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    I wish GOD had made match making easier and not guess work

    I think he meant dedicate. Its a typo.
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    Chris Rosebrough—Pirate Christian or Pirate?

    There is no "since in which we are God and man at the same time", even having the Holy Spirit doesnt make that true in any form or fashion. Also there there is no reason for him to disparage a person for living an "ordinary life". Nor is there cause for him to compare living an ordinary life to...