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  1. Demi777

    Empaths and Christianity

    When theres Christians who just spin terms around they can get into misunderstandings. I see your just here to fight or debate. I am not.
  2. Demi777

    Favorite Coffee Thays what the package looks like. Idk if its available in the US
  3. Demi777

    Empaths and Christianity

    No... a empath channels familliar spirits and stuff. Empathy is a trait anyone can have. I care about wording. Makes sure you dont get inro misunderstandinga
  4. Demi777

    Empaths and Christianity

    Uhuh if you say so. Can you leave me alone now?
  5. Demi777

    Favorite Coffee

    Dalmayer classic
  6. Demi777

    Empaths and Christianity

    Theres a difference between an empath and empathy.
  7. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    I should stil get paid until mid august. My health insurance is being a pain but i will be okay. It will take time as summer is always a hard time to get a job as everyne is on vecation. Once that passes it will be easier. All will be well. Its just a hard time. God is good
  8. Demi777

    Toxic fam members

    Theres a difference between distancing and rejecting. Just because u distance yourself doesnt mean you dont talk at all. I still say distancing is a good thing
  9. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    Delivery services pay minimum wage or 450 euro basis. Not an option. I didnt study languages and worked in business to end up taking a job that pays me less than the fee i can get from the government. As i worked 1 year i will get 60% of my salary for 6 months in case i dont get something good...
  10. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    Nope. Trying but havent had any yes. Just one decline after the other and i tried to get them before court but nobody is willing to help because im not black or because i dont have witnesses
  11. Demi777

    What does your shirt say?

    Dont sneeze on me 😂
  12. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    An update for yall Ive been running in circles..working, looking for a new job, job interviews, driving hours and doctors appointments...the vibes at work are very negative because everyone is fed up with the new boss. Getting a new job in this crisis is like winning a lottery. Im basically...
  13. Demi777

    Is it a bad witness for a Christian pastor to marry someone 30 years younger?

    I wouldnt mind. The fruit counts. Age is just a number anyway
  14. Demi777

    Is working on sunday a sin?

    Sunday isnt the sabbath so no
  15. Demi777


    Last time i saw one coming to mess with believers was over a year ago. Remember that before being saved, we were no better than them. Let them come. Maybe the seeds sown here may grow into fruit sooner or later
  16. Demi777

    How can singles do the Lord's work?

    Everyone is calles for Gods work. Marriage doesnt give a free pass to only do less dangerous things. Everyone can go on mission, feed and clothe the poor, be there for the broken hearted etc
  17. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    My fiance lives in mainz haha cool
  18. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    My work is in hessen near Frankfurt and I live in Rheinland pfalz. I have already done the arbeitssuchendmeldung online. I have also reported them to the ministry of work and will speak to the gewekschaft
  19. Demi777

    I am loosing my job over WHAT

    The crazy thing is that i am in Germany and they wont let me continue work. I am not even in their country...and its totally illegal