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  1. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    They all knew they were coming. She knew the outcome. Why would she believe that they could even take Jericho? No one else could. The Israelites didn't even possess the requisite armaments to take the city apart from God's intervention. How did she know God would intervene?
  2. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    Since I've been unable to get an answer from anyone else, perhaps you can tell me how Rahab knew that God had given the land to the children of Israel.
  3. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    Everyone is saved the same way.
  4. Cameron143

    Just so you know. Daniel 7:25

    No need. I don't accept your premise.
  5. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    Another wrong conclusion. No one has said that only Calvinists can be saved. In fact, many have said understanding the outworking of salvation isn't necessary to salvation.
  6. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election can't say how she knew? Perhaps a little birdie told her?
  7. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    Post #2692.
  8. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    I would know if he had. He would have replied to the particular post. Then I would have gotten a notice. Since this did not happen, it would appear the post was unanswered. How come you make false accusations of other people?
  9. Cameron143

    What's the Difference Between Being Frugal -- And Being a Cheapskate?

    Buffett has made a fortune by moving petroleum products by rail because his lobbyists have bought off politicians to keep pipelines from being built. He looks for corrupt politicians with much greater fervency than stocks.
  10. Cameron143

    Christmas Traditions

    It's the lights. They do all the work.
  11. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    You haven't even answered my question concerning Rahab. If you are going to make accusations, at least follow through when someone shows you your error.
  12. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    I'm more worried about the dangers of not employing the full counsel of God than going astray of doctrine by doing so.
  13. Cameron143

    Christmas Traditions

    This is how we decorate.
  14. Cameron143

    Just so you know. Daniel 7:25

    Right. Which means it's not biblically correct, despite the magnitude and reputation of those who have misrepresented the actual verbiage of scripture.
  15. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    Your posts show that you don't truly understand. You say things that are patently and demonstrably false with assurity and conviction. You say that you don't understand how someone could believe this or that. How can you say you understand it?
  16. Cameron143

    Understanding God’s election

    I'm not twisting anything. I'm merely pointing out that while the original audience is important to context and meaning, all scripture remains profitable to all Christians in a variety of ways.
  17. Cameron143

    Just so you know. Daniel 7:25

    Don't show it to me from a sermon. Show it to me from scripture. It's a common error. One I've made in the past. But you won't find a lion laying down with a lamb in scripture. You can't find them playing checkers or going to a movie together either.
  18. Cameron143

    Are You Brave Enough to Post a Picture of Yourself?

    That would be Nancy Draw.
  19. Cameron143

    What's the Difference Between Being Frugal -- And Being a Cheapskate?

    Frugal is when you buy lesser value items for yourself. Cheapskate is when you buy lesser value items for others.
  20. Cameron143

    Need book or curriculium advice on evangelism

    Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. Has a book and companion workbook. Our church was birthed out of a Bible study using these materials over 25 years ago.