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  1. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    the argument is that Christ would not - in fact did not - vote. see thread title.
  2. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    i'm not really a fan of electoral college. a popular vote would eliminate the opportunity to gerrymander districts, which is prolific and imo quite wrong, amounting to systemic partisan election interference coming from both sides.
  3. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    that's true. and God will surely put them there, if it's His will, whether for blessing or judgment. i don't worry :) that's my lot
  4. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    one day i am going to spring for my own embroidery machine looks pretty fun
  5. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    interestingly when the Jews stoned Paul, they were breaking the law. Rome allowed them to continue their temple worship ((and anyone else to worship however they liked)) but forbid them to execute anyone. that's why the sannhedrin presented Christ to Pilate, instead of trying to stone Him...
  6. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    @sawdust have you read, "blessed be Assyria My handiwork" .....?
  7. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    for Christmas i would like a patch that says this, for my jacket :love:
  8. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    what's the difference? not sure i understand what you're saying with this part
  9. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    not shocking to me; in fact that's been my narrative for this entire discussion. maybe shocking for you to hear, but post is not unfamiliar with the Bible. :coffee::unsure:
  10. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    then why do you worry God might appoint a pagan to govern the US against your will?
  11. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    pointing out the vulnerability in the armor, not the wound. ;)
  12. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    silly little friend. i do not depend on human regulations to 'protect me' how long have you been a Christian? do you know much about this Way?
  13. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    name one who isn't. heck name any human being, apart from Jesus Christ, who isn't. which planet do you live on, btw? :ROFL:
  14. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    it's a small percentage, but it is statistically growing in proportion. less than half of states have any kind of repercussion for being faithless at all, and none have anything more than a slap on the wrist. a thousand dollar fine to a millionaire. the way out government is set up us overall...
  15. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    the Bible says God appoints governments. do you disagree?
  16. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    and the very same Paul told us 'obey the rulers because God has appointed them' speaking about exactly those secular governmental leaders that abused and persecuted him. but you say overthrow them and put ones that tickle your ears into power. that's fine and well, but touching on the thread...
  17. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    there's no democracy in the kingdom of God. so maybe you're a bit confused if you think any pagan nation, for example america, is that kingdom. this is a Bible discussion forum, btw. so i'm going to keep talking about the Bible if you don't mind :)
  18. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    we were talking in a Bible discussion forum. what if anything at all secular politics have to do with the work of Christ in the ministry of His gospel is the context. so, what's your take on secular political campaign contributions? if voting for a man to gain worldly power is doing the work...
  19. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    but none of the states have to choose their delegates this way, and the electors are free to be unfaithful. it's what we have always done - but get someone who does not care how things have always been done, put them in unfettered control of the government with a lot of influence over state...
  20. posthuman

    Would Christ Vote?

    and none of the electors are required to vote for who the people voted for, and none of the states are required to hold popular votes to choose electors.