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  1. G

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    God determines that normal human adults have moral free will so that they are accountable for freely choosing to cooperate with His Word/Will--or not. Unfortunately A&E and everyone after them has chosen not (RM 3:23) but may be forgiven if they repent and learn to choose to (RM 3:24).
  2. G

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    Yes, but God's peace plan (EPH 2:14-18) remains in effect until the end, and peacemaking (MT 5:9) is a blessed endeavor.
  3. G

    Another look at John 10.

    Not sure why it is so difficult to get that faith is the horse that should be followed by a cart of good works in order to please God. If you think that once you believe then you can coast that cheapens God’s grace.
  4. G

    the Sabbath

    Referring to the eternal moral law of love in its various expressions, NOT to the Sabbatarian law that was only for the purpose of separating the Jews so they would serve as the physical heritage of Messiah.
  5. G

    The Gospels and the Mystery

    Sorry I misunderstood, but it probably won't be the last time, because communicating clearly is tricky. I hope you understand that salvation has always existed apart from the Jews, because the Jewish history has always only been known by a small sliver of people in the world. (RM 4:9-18, HB...
  6. G

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Jesus said his followers would be recognized by their love = baptism with God's loving Spirit, (cf. GL 5:13-25), not because they were baptized in water. (JN 13:35, etc.)
  7. G

    I was wondering who believes you can get unsaved.

    God initiates; man cooperates--or not.
  8. G

    the Sabbath

    I think you are wrong not to view anything not printed in red as uninspired by the Spirit of God/Christ. Hard to make the case that winter did not end at the cross, too. You failed to see that in MT 5:19-30 Jesus does not reaffirm the Sabbatarian laws, but only the moral laws. THOSE are what...
  9. G

    Another look at John 10.

    It means we are obeying the numerous warnings in God's Word to persevere to the end rather than commit apostasy, and we hope you are doing the same.
  10. G

    Among Christian Groups today. Who did not pass this verse?

    We can discuss Christian groups, but the obvious Anti-Christ groups include most Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, etc.
  11. G

    Help !! Please tell me is this the Holy Spirit or not?

    I will try to help by offering the following: No one achieves moral perfection in this life, but no one who lacks divine love will reap eternal life with God (GL 6:7-8). Thus, a person who claims to be godly but who is behaving in an ungodly (unloving, untruthful) manner may be in one of the...
  12. G

    Understanding God’s election

    I'll take a stab at Ephesians 1. In EPH 1:4-5 we encounter the doctrine of election, “He [God] chose us in him [Christ] before the creation of the world… He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ… In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan...
  13. G

    Another look at John 10.

    I also agree, and now it seems so obvious, but as someone raised in a church/denomination that taught OSAS I was rather ignorant until I read the Bible with an open mind for myself and found the passages we have discussed on other threads, so then I guess I became a black sheep, so to speak.
  14. G

    The Gospels and the Mystery

    "All" being without excuse includes all humanity as well as Jews, and they are without excuse for being condemned because they rejected the opportunity to find God and salvation, and how can you be so adamant about Jesus limiting salvation to the Jews in MT 7:7 when the whole point of Hebrews is...
  15. G

    Random Questions; Bible-based answers

    All we have to do is use a concordance to come up with the answer to this question. My NIV lists these verses in the OT: 1SM 2:9, PS 16:3, 30:4, etc., DN 7:18. Relevant NT verses include: RM 8:27, 1CR 6:2, EPH 1:15&18 (cf. 6:18), PHM v. 7, and RV 5:8 & 19:8. What do these teach is GRFS?
  16. G

    Applying God's Word to Politics

    At this point I will list a few bones of contention I have with politicians and pundits for y'all to add to if desired. a. Not quoting exactly or not considering the totality of what someone has said, but instead bloviating about a part out of context, b. Not valuing substance over style or...
  17. G

    Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

    Well, I would like to point out that the "this" relevant for this discussion is NOT the term "blasphemy" but the phrase "will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come", which corresponds with the phrase "It is impossible... if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance" in...
  18. G

    The word of God is not a secret code that needs unlocked.

    I would like to comment on Bible-Highlighter's comment that "Faith is not always logical. Do you think Abraham was thinking it made sense that God was telling him to sacrifice his son Isaac? I am sure it was not rational or logical to him at all. But what he had was faith and trust. He believed...
  19. G

    the Sabbath

    It is problematic for you to ignore what Paul whom Jesus called to be involved with authoring most of the NT including Mark and Luke. In MT 24:20 Jesus merely cited the Sabbath without teaching anything about it any more than he did "winter". In MT 5:18 Jesus referred to the Law, not...
  20. G

    The Kerygma - God's Requirement for Salvation

    Perhaps y'all haven't thought about this question in detail, so please allow me to go ahead and suggest them. The normative way of stating the kerygma/GRFS in the NT is “Accept Christ Jesus as Lord” (as in 2CR 4:5 & CL 2:6). The main points of Christian orthodoxy implicit in this statement can...