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    Potential health issue

    I pray for your physical healing and peace of mind. Know that God comes through for you Everyday, even when His answer is not what you wanted to hear. Trust Him. Let your 'vision' be of the Lord's power being big enough to actually hold you in the palm of His hand close to His heart.
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    Please pray for my son

    Your family is in my prayers. Know that God is with you !
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    Prayer request

    I think most of us fall prey to eating what feels good fast! Maybe try to always have something healthy and tasty around the home. Waiting on God can be a real test, but I think it's also a real lesson that we all need to learn deeply. (even when we don't want to!) God gives us many tools to...
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    Strictly Miscellaneous

    They would be making a patient Christian who waits upon the Lord. That is a big deal.
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    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Thank you... I really,really needed to be reminded of this! ....Even if one siats for God in faith, that person is working. Works do not always mean being a worker of all the gifts, but longsuffering and patience while awaiting our Lord is certainly works.
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    Prayer request

    Becoming sober (with His Grace and Help) is a huge change for you. Your body needs healing; your mind will follow. Try to be patient while waiting for Gods healing. Yes, read His word, take comfort in His promises, and eat as healthy as you can. I will pray for you
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    Thank you! You are very kind
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    Hello all

    Thanks Kireina! It certainly is a welcoming place
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    Hello all

    Hi BettyCarol! Nice to meet a new newbie! I too hope to meet people and share!
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    I'm new here, but saved a looong time. Looking forward to continued fellowship and learning.