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    Where are all the immigrants going?

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    ~This side of the 'glass'~

    wow. I'm pretty much bowled over at the Gift you've been given, and I thank God for it. I REALLY needed to find your thread and to read the uplifting words... this is what I joined this site for. I'm actually the only Christian I know.. and I don't mean that in a judgmental way, just live...
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    Any senior citizens in Christian chat?

    HI! Welcome! Yup, I'm a senior too, but am not on the 'chat app'.
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    Where are all the immigrants going?

    I speak several languages, and my response was not meant as 'a smart retort'. Its how I see things. When Europeans first came to N.America, they couldn't speak the local language of those they met. They were not marginalized because of it. And, I guess I was just voicing my frustration with the...
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    Where are all the immigrants going?

    And, which Native American language would you like to begin learning???
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    Where are all the immigrants going?

    I disagree on your stated version of the 'Biblical model'. If this were so, the Israelites would not have been welcome to continue their practices, language and customs while in Egypt. Had full integration been required in Jesus's time, there would have been no 'gentiles' for the Apostles to...
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    Close Calls

    I think she was saying that the lamp was unplugged when she awoke, yet she knows she did not get up and unplug it, or the book would have been on the floor. Or, if she'd gotten up before sleeping to unplug it, the book would be on the night stand. Therefore, it was divine intervention that...
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    I just straight up walked 3 full days with enough faith (or pride I dunno)

    I used to 'over exercise' when I was stressed, because the situation I was in didn't allow me for any other release of tension. Now I know better and have found 'conversations' with God have the same effect, with the bonus that I can still do other things. Maybe you're post here was guided by...
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    Covid and Cancer

    Don't totally discount medical assistance for your cancer. God works in many ways! If God suddenly gives us inspiration or knowledge of what we have not learned, he can certainly guide a scientist or doctor in the same way. There's an old tale of a man who's house was flooding,so he got onto his...
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    Is America done?

    Scriptures tell us quite plainly that God is not going to save the world's countries; he will be saving His people, not society. It is said that in the last days our prayers are still heard, and our souls are still his if we are living his will. God's response to prayer is sometimes 'no' because...
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    a short testimony

    Sorry, haven't been here for awhile.. life happens. Waaay back when I was a practising Catholic, I stopped going to confession because 1. I saw too much hypocrisy and 2. Because I came to believe that Jesus removes the sin, not the priests. Yes, Jesus said we are to confess our sin to one...
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    a short testimony

    The important thing is that you were washed clean. I've attended a lot of different churches in my lifetime and got something out of each experience because I was looking to Jesus for the answers. There were things I disagreed with in many churches, but I wasn't there for criticisms, I was...
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    Emergency Pantry/Fridge Foods

    Hey, Congrats!!! What a huge accomplishment and Blessing!
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    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Clarifying! Thanks <3
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    Helping the homeless

    I moved from a city to the outskirts of a tiny country town, some years ago, into a huge old house on a few acres of land. There wasn't a much in the way of 'societal infrastructure' at that time in the area. Then 2 of my children grew and entered High School. One day my son came home and said...
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    Emergency Pantry/Fridge Foods

    If there is a power failure, you have many foods that need to be cooked. May I suggest a trip to google where there are many lists of suggestions for non perishable foods that are nutritious and don't require cooking ;)
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    The Unity Of The Spirit. Ephesians 4:15

    Perhaps because Jesus is/was the Word, and he was there in the flesh to teach. We now have to study the Word to know and understand that which he taught? Yes, the body of the church is the believers and we are taught 'the greatest is Love'; but not all who attend church are believers and so they...
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    Holy Spirit expectations

    When Jesus taught the multitudes, he spoke of redemption, love, and some fire n brimstone. I don't see where he taught anyone but the Apostles about the Holy Spirit and power it would give them to fulfill God's mission. The Apostles are given directives to do things that the multitudes of...
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    Stay Awake!

    I think Jesus was able to sleep because he trusted that his Father was in charge, so he had no reason to be concerned.
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    My family

    Oh, my heart goes out to you, as my prayers for you and your family go up to God. He can intervene and guide where we cannot.