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  1. B

    Should I Say Something

    In my experience, telling/warning his current girlfriend is a tough call. Usually, she'll just brush off your words with her thoughts of how nice he is to her. She may even think his wife 'deserved' it. She may speak to or confront him about it, telling him who gave her the information which may...
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    eyes that will not see

    Thank you. I guess I was hoping that someone would have an answer I haven't found; one that wouldn't be so painful to accept. I know you are right. It's in God's hands and in His time. As I said somewhere in this thread, I just find it especially difficult because I actually don't know any...
  3. B

    eyes that will not see

    What I mean is they have no sense of God or any sort of spirituality. The Pharisees believed in God. Even pagans have a sense of god(s). It's easier to change a viewpoint (from gods to God) than to instill a sense (some idea) of God from scratch.
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    eyes that will not see

    The fact that God would call me blows me away.
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    eyes that will not see

    I appreciate the effort you put into this great reply; but merely sharing the gospel isn't the issue. It is the question of how to reach those who have absolutely zero sense of anything or Being greater than mankind... I've not found the answer in 40 years of study and was hoping someone here...
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    eyes that will not see

    I'm sure you didn't mean for this to sound as if I love only my family and only those who love me. I have a big life. I expect no thanks or rewards. I only pray that people I love will come to share the joy of redemption. But, thank you for your input and suggestions... you made me think.
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    eyes that will not see

    Thank you for this reminder!
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    eyes that will not see

    Hahaha!! Seriously, I will try this 'proof of mother's love'!!
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    eyes that will not see

    Thank you for this reminder to not be so fearful of showing His love, and making sure they know it's not coming from me. I guess I need to be more patient and trust in God's Timeline.
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    eyes that will not see

    Your efforts are appreciated, thank you.
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    eyes that will not see

    I too, have been asked to keep 'that God stuff' to a minimum; and I replied much as you did. They know where I stand. It's really my 10 grandchildren that I have concern over. The adults have all been exposed to God and have made their sad choices,(for now) but the little ones have had almost no...
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    eyes that will not see

    <3 Thank you for this, much appreciated.
  13. B

    eyes that will not see

    Yes, a majority of them believe in evolution vs creation. I think they lean on science because it can be proven, seen, and fact-checked.I will check out the page you posted, thank you!
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    eyes that will not see

    They live moral lives and are honest people, but from a sense of 'it's the correct behavior in society' , not because of any sense of spirituality.
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    eyes that will not see

    I can find no scripture help in my dilemma, so hoping someone wiser can guide me. How does one show examples of God's love and Jesus's sacrifice to those who are without any sense of God's reality? I have many family members and people close to me who have zero concept of any sort of a 'higher...
  16. B

    Both progressive and traditional types of Christians blatantly disobey the Bible... and this example about men and women proves it.

    It is my belief that the Traditions spoken of are just that; Traditions Not God's Law. The 10 Laws carved in stone cover things like morality and behaviour.
  17. B

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    Because they charge as much for a cup of coffee as McD's does for a burger!
  18. B

    What are UFOs to you?

    oh wow... This is a lot to digest, but I think my viewpoint has been changed.
  19. B

    What are UFOs to you?

    There is mention of 'others', can't recall exact quote but the reference is to Other peoples in far off places or some such. Back in 1970's there was a whole lot of talk and dissection of the quote and how it points to others not of this planet. Why couldn't God have created populations on...