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  1. MyrtleTrees

    the kingdom of satan

    But we all sin - there isn't any person on earth who does not sin. Rom 3:23-24 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus KJV As verse 24 shows, forgiveness of sins is achieved only...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    Why do you think Jesus rejected the temple leaders of HIs time, then? They knew the scriptures very well, but still didn't have true salvation that leads to the eternal destiny of heaven. John 5:37-40 37 And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    I'm glad you were fortunate to have had access to that book, since your father had it! I personally see nothing wrong with observing the holidays, since no one in the USA at least, worships those pagan gods at all. Most don't even know about them. And the BIble says all days belong to the...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    Yes, that's right!! It's interesting to know religious history all the way back - that far! It said it also adversely affects true Christian churches - who, unknowingly, have adopted some of their practices that are not endorsed by the Bible. It doesn't keep them from being headed to...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    the kingdom of satan

    Here are some I thought of, this morning: Rom 11:7-9 7 What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded 8(According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    the kingdom of satan

    No. I'm saying all Jews as well as all people who don't accept Jesus as Savior and Lord (God) of their lives, are headed for hell. That's what the Bible says. I know verses that prove that's true.
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    They are not truly serving Him though, as they aren't serving Him the way the Bible approves of. Same way with the religious rulers of the temple Jesus' day. Jesus said they didn't know either Him or the Father.
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    True, the number 40, is a symbolic number in the Bible, and is mentioned in a number of notable events in the Bible! But the book, "The Two Babylons," mentioned that Lent was originally taken from the pagan event of "weeping for Tammuz." And Tammuz - the book said, was a time of mourning...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    True indeed, all religions are false except for the religion of serving Christ, (as described by the Bible) and accepting Him as Lord and Savior of one's life, and prayeruflly living according to that in daily living.
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    Have you heard of the emperor, Constantine? He had a Christian mother, so had some kindness towards Christians during his reign, But he wanted everyone in his kingdom to have the same religion. So, he blended paganism with Christianity. And allowed worshippers of idols to continue to...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    the kingdom of satan

    I'm not the authority that condemns such people to hell - it's God and His Word. Jesus condemned the Pharisees and rulers of the temple, too, and said they didn't really know God - and that they were "children of the devil." Jesus said there is only one way to obtain salvation, and that it...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Trump - puppet or savior?

    Yes, I don't think he'd be willing to put up with being persecuted- he wouldn't be willing to extend himself that far. He would choose to do anything that keep himself safe - that'would be his priority, I think.
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Trump - puppet or savior?

    Maybe he'll do something to help save America, hard to tell. But I think he's much like a puppet, as he's not allowed to make all decisions he'd like to make. Since the USA is governed also by our congress. Also, he's not a Christian, and so couldn't be willing to stand up for what's right...
  14. MyrtleTrees


    Yes, I think all this craziness comes from greed and an evil political agenda all over the world. It has caused much suffering, especially in poor countries.
  15. MyrtleTrees

    how can we "see" God and illogical atheism

    Understanding the creation comes through accepting Jesus as Saviour and Lord of one's life. Though some unbelievers probably believe in the Creation, though it does no good till or unless they become true Christians. People who resist the gospel lack spiritual understanding of biblical...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    Nothing wrong with birthdays, yes!
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Pagan Holidays

    I hadn't noticed that fact. But there's a lot of facts about the ancient origins of the holidays, so I can't remember it all. But it's interesting to know that they have pagan origins. I've read a lot on that subject from a book I have that used to belong to my dad, "The Two Babylons." I...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    Is it wrong to call yourself or anyone else....a good person?

    I see nothing wrong with calling people "good" - as long as one means that true goodness comes only through having Jesus in one's life. That's why we can afford to call ourselves "righteous" and "holy" - if we know it is God working in us that produces any goodness in us. And that the term...
  19. MyrtleTrees

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    Christians - even sincere, diligent Christians are not able to understand the scriptures the same on all points. That's because they are human and not as wise as God. The important thing, above all, is to know the way of salvation, and to accept Jesus as Savior of one's life, and to be...
  20. MyrtleTrees

    Re: Thread On Catholic And Other Religions

    Catholics do not seek forgiveness through Jesus alone. They also pray to dead saints, when God's Word forbids praying to anyone except for to Himself. Matt 4:10 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt...