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  1. MyrtleTrees


    Yes, so unreasonable! Time to pray hard for the USA to have a great spiritual revival - to not only improve the spiritual condition of the USA, but also improve other things about how things go here in the USA!
  2. MyrtleTrees


    It's a reminder of the importance of remembering to pray daily for spiritual revival to take place throughout the USA and the world! The history of Israel demonstrates how things always go well when people are following God better. And always - things get worse the more people turn away from...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    What is the best way for my overseas pastor friend, of Pakistan to do exporting?

    I tried, some time back, to ask the Meijer chain of stores if they'd be interested in buying any. But I got no helpful replies back from Meijers on the subject. They gave some advice - but it wasn't helpful. I later read online in a number of sites, the idea that evidently one of the best...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    What is the best way for my overseas pastor friend, of Pakistan to do exporting?

    His goal and hope is to find stores, etc. that are willing to buy in bulk, for the purpose of re-selling for profit.
  5. MyrtleTrees

    What is the best way for my overseas pastor friend, of Pakistan to do exporting?

    Hi! You want a link to what? A page about him? Hi! I don't know how to do a PM message here. But I'll send you an attached picture of his Christian items he'd like to export for profit. He is able to get some of these things from local stores there, for the purpose, he said. But some of...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    That's an interesting thought! Yes, ways of writing had to be different - that early in history! I've read about cuneiform - here's an online definition of that: denoting or relating to the wedge-shaped characters used in the ancient writing systems of Mesopotamia, Persia, and Ugarit...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    Yes, I believe the scriptures are sufficient! And God was behind the writing of the Bible, and I believe He has also been behind it's preservation! I've read that book, called "the book of Enoch" - but it looks fake to me. And I saw some errors in it (such as the claim that angels...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    Yes, I would think it must be common for those that dispute the King James Bible, for example, to choose not to trust the reliability of the King James Bible. Not all who question it's reliability have wrong motives - but I think the majority who question it, do have wrong motives. And are...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    I've studied church history. Yes, I know there have always been doctrinal errors throughout history. And it seems likely that some of the ancient erroneous doctrines may have found it easier to take hold compared to modern times, due to lack of availability of Bibles and Christian printed...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    I agree - the book of Enoch is not to be trusted as being true Bible scriptures. They would have been included if so. I've read through it before. I didn't see anything in it that seemed any more worthwhile than anything in the scriptures I already know. I also saw that the claim that...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    I agree with you! And it's very important to me always to be the the most acquainted with the most reliable scriptures available. I think the King James Bible seems to be the most trustworthy translation of the Bible that there is. It is the kind I use the most.
  12. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    I've heard that the writers of the King James Bible (and other Bible translators) rejected the Apocrypha, as not being inspired of God. I believe that assumption is correct - otherwise it would have been accepted. Also, I've looked through the Apocrypha some, and see nothing in it as...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    The Book of Enoch and other books not included in KJV

    You're correct - that's how I feel about the book, too! And I use some of the same reasoning as you use too, against it!
  14. MyrtleTrees

    What is the best way for my overseas pastor friend, of Pakistan to do exporting?

    Hi! What do you think is the best and most affordable & profitable way for my Pastor friend, of Pakistan, to do exporting? I am just a housewife, and live in Traverse City, Michigan. But I've tried to find good advice for HIm on the subject. I made a sale group page for him in Facebook...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Interest in Natural Health Forum?

    I study healthful eating habits a lot too - and healthful foods, etc. that can help remedy ailments! I have allergies as it runs in our family. But eating healthfully, and eating what most helps me - improves things a lot! I haven't been to a doctor for over 13 years, so far. In fact, I'm...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    How I got off pills

    Yes, I've had trouble with depression in the past, too. But coming to a full surrender to God in my life helped the most. After that, other things helped too - like filling myself well always with God's Word, praying regularly, and keeping active and making my life as useful to God as I knew...
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Diet of a healthy, happy 95-year-old.

    My eating habits are much the same as yours! And also my opinion that foods the way God made them, is the healthiest diet to have! And like you, I believe spices have much good nutrition, and health benefits. I eat bits of spices - (pretty much all the kinds there are that are sold) after...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    Suggestion: An additional forum for Christians to learn how to do business - earn incomes

    Well, I found the page that said something about making suggestions. Ok I'll look for miscellaneous forums whenever I need to bring up anything new. Thanks!
  19. MyrtleTrees

    How to perceive Christians who are carnal and babes? 1 Cor. 3: 1-3.

    True, we aren't able to be perfect as God is. But should prayerfully do our best always to keep sin out of our lives and to always repent regularly of sin. Christians are kept santified forever, depending on whether they choose to continue to serve God faithfully throughout life. Matt...
  20. MyrtleTrees

    How to perceive Christians who are carnal and babes? 1 Cor. 3: 1-3.

    True. None of us on earth is capable of being sinlessly perfect - though we are to prayerfully, and always do our best to be as much as is possible without sin in daily life - and are to regularly and sincerely repent of all sins.