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  1. D

    Christian counseling?

    Good point. However, I still stand by my statement that Christian counseling is being used by the upper echelon of church leadership as a crutch; an abdication of the role they should play in individual discipleship.
  2. D

    Christian counseling?

    Please don't take this personally, but I am really bugged by this statement. I have to make two assumptions here: 1. The person you are responding to is a born-again believer 2. They are active in a church, or maybe they were at some point in the past With those two assumptions in place, I...
  3. D


    I don't doubt that. But what is it that they are spending so much time on? I would submit that they are so overworked with putting on a "church show," than in ministry. I know there are weddings, funerals, and hospital visits. I have, on the other hand, seen churches with up to four pastors...
  4. D


    You're absolutely right. God is with us always. I tend to use a bit of hyperbole... at times :giggle:
  5. D


    True, but the current model is not working all that well, in my opinion. It's what I continually argue against.
  6. D


    I found your response extremely informative, and I intend to study your precepts even further. However, I disagree with your final statement that things will never change. I personally hold out hope that they will, eventually.
  7. D


    I beg to differ. Didn't he say, "Go, and make disciples?" That kinda sounds like a command to me. The question is, how many churches in North America are doing that on a consistent basis?" I think I may have missed that part of scripture. It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that I...
  8. D


    Yeah, I look at my posts and realize how harsh I can be toward the modern-day pastor. It's just that I want things to go back to the way it was before the corporatization of the church. I think that if the pastors could work like Jesus did and make real disciples out of about 8-10 people, they...
  9. D


    Congratulations! You are worshiping exactly how Christ wants us to worship with each other. This type of gathering is how the early followers got together in Acts chapter 2. They ate together. They worshiped together. They ministered to each other (something today's pastor is loathed to do...
  10. D


    I believe this problem centers around the word "job." I would suggest that if we all became "pastors" for each other, we wouldn't have this problem. I also believe that the role of pastor has shifted from head shepherd to corporate CEO. On one hand, you have the business side of the church...
  11. D


    Okay, let's take these one at a time: 1." In an effort to please the church business." Since when did the church become a business? 1 Corinthians 12:13 states: For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit...
  12. D

    Hello there!

    Amen! I hope to get more insight from you in the coming year. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
  13. D

    Scripture Art and Various Creative Conceptions Born of Love

    Wow, that sounds really complicated. keep up the great work! And, oh, by the way, Merry Christmas!
  14. D

    Christian counseling?

    I'm glad you have a close-knit fellowship with other believers. I am praying for that every day. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
  15. D

    Christian counseling?

    I've never been to a close-knit church. If you have, you are truly blessed. The churches in my area have the same business model as everyone else. Here's a glimpse: 1. Drive to a church building with other people who may or may not say hello. 2. Sit in a chair or pew listening to one guy...
  16. D

    Hello there!

    Welcome. I empathize with you. It is hard to find people these days who want to talk about God. Even in church! This site is great for that, though. We normally talk about spiritual things here. Who would have thought!
  17. D

    Scripture Art and Various Creative Conceptions Born of Love

    It's truly amazing artwork. So colorful! Forgive my asking as I am a complete dufus when it comes to all things art. Do you create all this manually, or do you have help with the use of digital programs? Again, forgive me for my ignorance. I guess a better way to put it is, how do you do all...
  18. D

    Christian counseling?

    Please, please, show me where these guys are. I'm begging you.
  19. D

    Christian counseling?

    I think you're on to something.
  20. D

    Christian counseling?

    I am all for professional counseling. However, I am not for Christian counseling taking the place of discipleship. That is the job of pastors and elders. Unfortunately, they've abdicated that responsibility to Christian counselors. The institutional church is now more concerned with...