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  1. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    What I am getting from your answer is that there is a difference, but our training is not complete until He takes us home.
  2. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Who are they being discipled by?
  3. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Interesting. Just so I am clear, you are saying that unless a person becomes a student of Christ, he/she is not really saved? If that is the case, is there any role or responsibility for leaders in the church to see that their discipling (education) is followed up and carried out?
  4. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Also greet the church in their house. Greet my dear friend Epenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in the province of Asia. Rom. 16:5 He must not be a recent convert or he may become arrogant and fall into the punishment that the devil will exact. 1 Tim. 3:6 Now, brothers and sisters...
  5. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    The real question is, are all converts disciples?
  6. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    I realize this is a very similar thread started in the family forum, but I wanted to get the opinion of those who may study the Bible on a higher level. Thanks in advance for your answers.
  7. D

    What is the Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Okay, but it is it possible for a convert to never choose to become a disciple?
  8. D

    What is the Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Thank you for your insight, but what I really want to know is what you think the difference is between a convert and a disciple. Or do you think there is no difference?
  9. D

    Good Afternoon

    It's not fair, is it? -- A woman practically kills herself taking care of her children, only to be kicked to the curb by them every day. -- A man gives his wife fifteen of the best years of his life so she can run off with his best friend. -- A young lady tries to eat healthily and exercise...
  10. D

    Why Don't We Hear About Single Christian Women Looking for Husbands in Other Countries?

    My brother married a woman half his age from the Philippines. He paid a lot for the privilege. What it boiled down to for him was finding a woman who was not a feminist who would submit to him. That is a very tall order for the U.S.
  11. D

    What is the Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    In your own words, and with the backing of scripture, what do you see as the difference between a convert and a disciple of Christ? Thanks in advance for your thoughtful responses.
  12. D

    Do you still sin?

    Unfortunately, as with most social forums like this, we tend to be lured into a game of semantics. Let's let the word of God speak to us: —that I may gain Christ, and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness derived from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes...
  13. D

    Do you still sin?

    I am very disappointed that you have the audacity to copy and paste an entire article written by RC Sproul in order to try and make your case. Although a brilliant commentator on the Christian condition, Sproul is a poor substitute for what YOU are thinking. Lafftur, in her very positive...
  14. D

    I Don't Feel Like Dying Today

    I read your original post, dated April 24, today for the first time. I find it ironic that you pray to the Lord for a longer life while I pray for Him to take me sooner than later. My prayer usually goes something like this: "My dear Father in heaven, if it is your will, can you please take...
  15. D

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    Good point.
  16. D

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    And therein lies the problem. You really don't know what I am talking about here. You are not alone, so there is no reason to single you out. Most pastors have no clue what I am talking about, either, or they choose to ignore the problem.
  17. D

    The importance of attending Church

    I'm sure didn't mean that
  18. D

    A Pair of Crows Hunker Down

    Civil disobedience at its best. I think in the next few weeks you will see more humans joining the movement.
  19. D

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    Yes, and did you know that, even though every person on earth will try and get away with at least one of the following: Lying Cheating Stealing Adultery Murder Corruption ...and everything in between? Yet the Savior of the world willingly served himself up for us up on the cross. Of, course...
  20. D

    Church Culture and Covid-19

    There are so many changes being implemented by the U.S. society due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are just a few: 1. Medical staff are wearing personal protective equipment(PPE) Shouldn't they have been doing this even before the discovery of the Coronavirus? Why did it take so long for...