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  1. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I am a proud American, and I agree with you. I believe in ONE body of Christ.
  2. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I am a proud American, and I agree with you. I believe in ONE body of Christ.
  3. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I am a proud American, and I agree with you. I believe in ONE body of Christ.
  4. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I am a proud American, and I agree with you. I believe in ONE body of Christ.
  5. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    Yes, and when Christianity is banned, we will still be praying. My point all along. Let's stop fretting about socialism and start praying. Let's stop railing and start making disciples of all nations again.
  6. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    I respect your viewpoint, however: I never heard Jesus complaining about the Roman government. Instead, he told his disciples to be as "wise as serpents and innocent as doves." Do you remember what he told them before sending them out to preach the Gospel? “I am sending you out like sheep...
  7. D

    Boys To Men, Men to Boys

    Okay, then. You don't have to be as harsh as I am on the subject. But please reiterate the desperate need for individual discipleship. It's not enough, in my opinion, to read books by pastors, hear sermons, or listen to podcasts. Keeping people at arm's length isn't working.
  8. D

    Boys To Men, Men to Boys

    I'm sensing the same kind of frustration welling up in this thread as I regularly experience. That is the frustration with the lack of one-on-one discipleship that used to be available within the institutional church. There was a time when elder men and women would instruct the youth in the ways...
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    The Anthem of Joshua

    Aptly titled. Getting into the head of a great leader, especially from the past, is not easy. Great job.
  10. D

    Two Daughters And a Prince

    Good advice. I do like free verse. Thanks for sharing.
  11. D

    Hi New Member Here

    Problem: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 Solution: Because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Rom. 10:9 Aren't you glad you found the solution? Definitely...
  12. D

    Leftist Thinking Is The Most Destructive Element In Existence

    This type of discussion drives me crazy, especially within the confines of Christ's church of believers. Jesus tells us: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the...
  13. D

    If it were medically possible to live forever, would that contradict God's will?

    Here's an interesting verse from Proverbs: "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. " Proverbs 16:9 ESV I think what it is telling us is that although we may have the free will to plan out our day, good or evil, He is still in control of everything.
  14. D

    If it were medically possible to live forever, would that contradict God's will?

    No, we tell people about Jesus as a witness to what he does in our lives. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts them of their sin. When the person hears the Holy Spirit, they have two choices at that point: 1. They can choose to ignore Him Or 2. They can submit to God, repent of their sins...
  15. D

    If it were medically possible to live forever, would that contradict God's will?

    Read about him here:
  16. D

    If it were medically possible to live forever, would that contradict God's will?

    Yes, absolutely. Or you could substitute the word "will" for the word "allow." So, I am assuming this question could lead to another one you may have: "If God will's everything, why does He allow bad things to happen? For example: Hurricanes Tsunamis Rape Incest Murder Genghis Kahn Adolph...
  17. D

    If it were medically possible to live forever, would that contradict God's will?

    What a timely and thoughtful question for me right now, thank you. I am currently in the book of Job where God is finally talking directly to him (Chapter 38). He reveals to Job that, no matter how much science you think you know, God has infinitely more knowledge. Man, that just puts me in my...