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  1. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    Why do we have to "choose sides?" James doesn't open it up for debate. He emphatically states: What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Can this kind of faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food...
  2. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    I understand how you feel. But I go back to my point of how Paul and James can seem to contradict each other. But it is James who really underscores Pauls's point in Ephesians Chapter 2. To your point, making things complicated is within our fallen nature. That may be why we have so many...
  3. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    James doesn't open it up for debate. He emphatically states: What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but does not have works? Can this kind of faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacks daily food, 16 and one of you says to them...
  4. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    I completely agree. Faith without works is dead. So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. James 2:17 ESV
  5. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    A few years ago, I was involved in a wonderful study in the book of Isaiah sponsored by the Bible Study Fellowship international organization. I was so excited to be a part of it, I invited an elderly gentleman from our church to attend. I thought he would be a valuable asset to our study...
  6. D

    Justification has not come about because of anything believers are capable of achieving on their own

    I agree with the premise of your entire post. However, I get frustrated with the notion that since we cannot do anything apart from God, we should just do nothing at all. I'm not implying that you are making that case, but I see that excuse being tossed around all the time. I liken it to...
  7. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    So you admit that another believer can be used by God to disciple another believer. After all, Jesus told us to go and make disciples, not sit around and pray about it. Right?
  8. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    I'm not sure I understand. I will restate the question: You replied, Is there any room for another believer to help bring about change in another believer. Or do we depart from that person and let God handle it?
  9. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Okay, so if the new believers were imitating Paul and Silas, that means they had to have been close relationally. I don't imagine Paul would have written this line of scripture if he hadn't thought it to be an important feature of discipleship. Furthermore, it is written as an example to...
  10. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, when you received the message with joy that comes from the Holy Spirit, despite great affliction. 1Th. 1:6 Who was Paul talking about when he mentioned "us?"
  11. D

    Probably will make many of you mad but...

    Those are valid questions. But it can be even more complex than what you are suggesting. Us men are held to account by the church using a very high standard. We are expected to take charge of our families and be perfect spiritual leaders while at the same time, the world emasculates us. Wives...
  12. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Just so that I am clear, you're saying there is absolutely no role for anyone in the church (pastor, elder, congregant) in this process?
  13. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    Is there a role for anyone in the church during this process?
  14. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    So what you, like a lot of others here, are saying, is that you automatically become a disciple at conversion. Is that right? How so?
  15. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    No, that's not what I was implying at all. I have to choose my words more carefully next time. It was my intention to try and draw out the church leaders to openly discuss the subject. That's all. Discipleship, unfortunately, appears to be an allusive topic, even with all of the sermons at...
  16. D

    Probably will make many of you mad but...

    You sound like another guy I know: Why standest thou afar off, O Lord? why hidest thou thyself in times of trouble? Psa. 10:1 All this whining and complaining from a guy who had everything: Wine, women, armies... an entire kingdom? His problems were not small, but then again, neither are...
  17. D

    Your dream home

    I dream of a home where: -- Family gets together every evening to share what God has done for them that day -- Next-door neighbors share in communion -- People are encouraged to talk about God instead of their jobs -- Love and caring for one another is the focal point
  18. D

    Is There a Difference Between a Convert and a Disciple?

    But wouldn't you agree that we shall never have any idea who the Father has given the faith to? With that said, shouldn't we as believers assume that if someone confesses Jesus as Lord, we should assume they have the capacity to become a disciple?