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  1. D

    please help

    I normally don't comment on other's personal feelings, but I am compelled, through the Holy Spirit, to reach out to you. I sense a lot of anxiety in you. Please let me say that what you are feeling is not from God. It is from the enemy, Satan. If you want to have more peace in your life, you...
  2. D

    One last blow

    It sounds like you also have been brain-washed by the extreme militant, feminist media who degrade men and want to devalue any contribution we make to our marriages and families. The sad thing is, most pastors feed this humiliating hysteria by castigating men in the congregation for not being...
  3. D

    One last blow

    Unfortunately, it cannot be settled out of court. In every state, a judge has to sign off on every custody case. The main idea here is to force you into paying thousands for one of their lawyer buddies. No disrespect here, but this sounds a lot like the Pollyanna advice most pastors give...
  4. D

    One last blow

    Thanks. I wasn't sure what kind of reaction I would get from being so direct. Great point. Unfortunately, we now live in a world where it is considered child abuse if your kids don't have the latest video game systems. Unfortunately, the churches aren't going to do that. A single mom, maybe...
  5. D

    One last blow

    I don't want you to respond to this, but I am hoping you didn't quit your job to try and lessen the amount you have to pay in child support, which in your case, will be at least 30% of your gross income before taxes. Some younger men will try this tactic, but it always catches up with them. The...
  6. D

    One last blow

    My wife left me for a "better Christian." The hypocrisy in that is astounding. I had the same fear you do now, except I knew this guy she ran off with was actually a narcissist. How did I know that? He was my best friend for over 12 years. I am not saying this to one-up you. I just want to let...
  7. D

    It Was 20 Years Ago On My 65th Birthday

    You are a braver man than I, sir :)
  8. D

    Sis. Mercy and her baby

    Then some children were brought to Him so that He might lay His hands on them and pray; and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matt. 19: 13-14 And He called a child...
  9. D

    Pray for my son

    Amen. Thank you for sharing your hardships with us. I receive them in Jesus' name. In His name, I ask our Father that your burdens be lightened. What a blessing you are to the family of God. Please keep in touch and update us often.
  10. D

    99.9% of Professing Christians will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire

    Which ones? Just so I can know who to stay away from.
  11. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    The institutional church.
  12. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    That was only one video, which you chose to hone in on. That's okay, though. Apparently, the church has failed to reach these "far-left radical ideologues." Now would be a good time to start, don't you think? You aren't going to do it by dragging them into a building full of strangers, making...
  13. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    No, it actually sounds like you are taking on the position of the typical church in America: 'Let's not take any risks because we may get into legal trouble, and thereby hurt our reputation." Of course, this thinking is flawed. Jesus didn't make the people he healed sign a waiver. However, in...
  14. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    What if, what if, what if. That is the question too many churches are asking these days. But I get your point. Again--one more time-- I am not suggesting you open the doors of your home to the entire city where you live. Instead, do this: 1. Tell someone about how God has changed your life...
  15. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I'm not advocating for "big ideas." In fact, we as the church need to bring ourselves low before God. This is not a very "big idea" at all: 1. Tell someone how God has changed your life through Jesus Christ 2. Help each other grow as disciples 3. Repeat For where two or three gather in my...
  16. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    Okay, but it won't work if you try and drag more than a few people in with you. That's what's wrong with the system now. It's way to complicated. Discipleship is a messy business. The simpler you make it, the better. God, through His word, directed by the Holy Spirit. Who else would it be? I...
  17. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    You're using ZipRecruiter, seriously? Let's say they are right. What they haven't figured in is housing allowance and other perks, which are oftentimes not disclosed. That said, there are a lot of bi-vocational pastors who get even less than average. That begs the question, why bother with...
  18. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I get what you are saying. But most people are being duped into thinking there is only one way: 1. Get up on Sunday morning and get dressed up, if only a little bit 2. Drive to the church 3. Drop the kids off at "kids church," separating them from their families yet another hour from the...
  19. D

    If the Church Won't, the Government Will

    I have been involved in a lot of churches in my 56 years. Beyond that, there are disturbing trends being reported. The following video does report primarily on mega-churches. However, it doesn't matter the size of the church. Just because you have the money in the budget doesn't mean it has to...