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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Christians aren't excluded from hardships in life

    Yes, you're right - and those verses you posted are good verses on the subject! I also think that when "the great falling away" happens - that may be caused by weaker Christians not being willing to endure hardship and persecution - as is described by Jesus in His explanation of the first 2...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    Well it's not happening globally yet, I mean. I agree - I would also refuse to take such a vaccination. God says we aren't to knowingly harm ourselves or allow things to be done to ourselves that we don't feel full confidence from Him - that He approves of it! One may die for doing what's...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Christians aren't excluded from hardships in life

    Though God loves His people - He doesn't exclude them from hardships in this life. Though sometimes, through prayer, hardships are overcome or removed. But not for all. Some Christians think it's God's will to overcome all hardships or poor health. But I feel the scriptures and evidence...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Interpreting the parable of the prodigal son

    Well, thanks for explaining your views - it's always interesting to see what others' views are on spiritual things, that is, if they are sincere. We are both sincere, I see - and that's good! It means we both belong to God and have a home waiting for us up in heaven. Throughout the lives of...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    I don't think anyone knows for sure what it is - though some think they know what it is. It's clear it has to do with agreeing to be ruled by the world and it's rulers or the one-world ruler, and has to do with rejecting Christ. Many think it may be a microchip implanted in people, or...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    I know people say it is being used in similiar formats. Though I can agree it may happen as you say - and soon - still, I prefer to say I don't know with 100% accuracy, as to me it isn't proper to say we know things before they happen (as only God has that ability). Not unless clearly said...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    I haven't much studied the details of claims that a microchip may be required to be imbedded into people. Though I hear the mention of it - now and then. Personally, I doubt that Revelation is not referring to a visible mark that will be imbedded in some people. But I'm only guessing...
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Did Jesus sweat real blood in the garden?

    Yes, I think most of those verse means 'like unto" in them. But the one about Jesus going to the feast "as in secret" - I see no difference in that case - between saying "He went secretly" - or that "He went as if in secret" - since in any case, it seems clear He didn't want to be seen doing it.
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Sin and Glory

    I see no contradiction in the scriptures on the subject. Though am able to see why some people get confused by the Bible saying that Jesus died for the sins of the world. 1 John 2:2-4 2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    The 10 Commandments

    Right! And as you say, I've also noticed many get this passage confused, since they don't recognize Joshua as being the one referred to in the passage.
  11. MyrtleTrees

    Interpreting the parable of the prodigal son

    I read through John 15-16 before replying back to you now. It refreshed my mind as to what is in these chapters. If the prodigal son parable is about the same subject as in the rest of 15 & 16 -then it looks to me that they all (except for those that repent sincerely) refer to lost...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    "God loves everyone" - false

    No, it would not. Though we aren't able to obey God satisfactorily until we accept Jesus as Lord (God) and Savior of our lives - still, God requires that those who sincerely want to serve Him - must be willing to "pay the cost" on their part - that is required. And that "cost" involves...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Interpreting the parable of the prodigal son

    Hi! Last night, after bedtime, i listened to John MacArthur teach about the Prodigal son parable. I hadn't heard that interpretation before - but agree it may be accurate. I hadn't realized that the older son might refer to the Pharisees that Jesus was telling this parable to. I...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Sin and Glory

    I believe God's Word teaches that Jesus died for the sins of the world - but that no sins are covered except for those who receive Him as Lord and Savior of their lives. The Bible says that those who reject Him will go to hell and will be there eternally. While God's people will live with...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Did Jesus sweat real blood in the garden?

    We can only guess at that. Maybe it just means He sweated great drops of sweat. Luke 22:44 44 And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. KJV
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    The book of Revelation uses a lot of symbolism, so it's often not easy to make sure what it's talking about. I think the number of the beast for sure - at least - refers to being unbelievers who refuse to serve God. Whether it will also require that people take a number in order to buy and...
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Does the Book of Revelation tell us that those who refuse to take the MARK of the beast will be killed?

    Yes, it says they will be killed. So I think it means a large number of true Christians will be killed. Though maybe a small percentage will remain at Jesus' return: Matt 24:37-42 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that...
  18. MyrtleTrees

    The 10 Commandments

    It sounds tAo me as though we are to obey them. However, the one about the keeping of the Sabbath, has a different meaning for the Sabbath, under the New Covenant. The Old one was just a picture of it. The new one, has to do with turning away from sin, and accepting the lordship of Christ...
  19. MyrtleTrees

    Too late after our death?

    You're right! If people don't repent and receive Jesus as Savior in this life, they'll have no other chances to repent after they die!
  20. MyrtleTrees

    "God loves everyone" - false

    Well said, and true!