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  1. T


    I couldn't include this last portion because it exceeded the allowed length. Those who take the mark of the beast have artificial atoms, comprised of artificially placed electrons, within the quantum dots composed of silicon that have been delivered through the hypodermic needles inspired by...
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    Well brother, I think you make a good point. I'm sorry for not being clear. I am doing my best to present somewhat detailed information. I thank you for this chastisement. The “mark of the beast” must be tied back into worship if it is to be applied properly. It was not my intent to engage...
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    The One World Religion Set to OPEN in 2022!

    Quite well stated I think. This ‘mother of whores’ is described as ‘drunk with the blood of the saints’ in Revelation 17:6. This entity ‘rides the beast,’ and later is destroyed by it. This one world religious system will be continue to be used to persecute the church. Eventually, it will be...
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    I see more of a convergence of what God is doing with the gentiles/Israel than a strict separation. My take is the gentile church will be experiencing tribulation (persecution) up until she is removed. I see the "ark doors closing" now so to speak. The remnant church will be glorified and...
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    I think you explain your position well. I agree the church is not appointed to wrath. I used to strongly believe in the pre-trib theory. After reading different arguments over a period of years I came to believe in what could be labeled a partial rapture theory. Many scholars argue that...
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    Does anyone else feel as though they will witness the End of Time?

    I do agree we should be "looking, watching, and patiently waiting for our Lord." I also know the Lord responded to the question, "What is the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?" Jesus responded specifically to the question that was posed to him. In Matthew 24:4-14 the Lord gives his...
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    Does anyone else feel as though they will witness the End of Time?

    The idea that we don’t know if this is the last generation is not likely in my view. Although I understand some who know the Bible well see my claim as unreasonable. How could we still have more than a generation of signs from Matthew 24:4-14 before the time of the end? In theory, it is...
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    Does anyone else feel as though they will witness the End of Time?

    Yes. The signs the Lord spoke of in Matthew 24:4-14 are increasing in frequency and intensity. The stage is set for a significant conflict with Israel and Iranian proxy forces. The antichrist will soon be revealed in my view.
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    How the Pre-Trib Rapture Became Popular in the Modern Church

    Yes, I agree that the harpazo event will be before God’s wrath in the midst of tribulation. It seems evident that many who hold to the pretribulation rapture theory state we cannot be in Daniel’s 70th week until Daniel 9:27 is fulfilled. This is a complex passage that scholars interpret in...
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    JP Morgan’s Dimon cautions a U.S. default would be ‘potentially catastrophic’

    “The country's largest lender has begun scenario-planning for how a potential U.S. credit default would affect the repo and money markets, client contracts, its capital ratios, and how ratings agencies would react, Dimon said in an interview.”...
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    I appreciate your concern because it shows you are caring. I suppose this will just be a case where we will agree to disagree at this point in time. I would say I came to this conclusion after approximately 1 1/2 years of researching this topic. The technology present in the gene therapy...
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    You’re welcome brother. Happy to share it. Its enjoyable to discuss these issues even when we disagree.
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    Here is an important study that shows the presence of the HIV-1 genomic inserts. Here are some informative studies I have recently looked at. They all discuss the role of the nanoparticles/biosensors. I hope you find them...
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    Factbox: Countries Making Covid 19 Vaccines Mandatory

    Hitler, one of the many past antichrists that have existed in this world said this, "Creation is not finished. Man is clearly approaching a phase of metamorphosis. The earlier human species has already reached the stage of dying out... All of the force of creation will be concentrated in a new...
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    Factbox: Countries Making Covid 19 Vaccines Mandatory

    Here is an informative article that shows the vaccine mandate policies of different countries:
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    Thank you for your thoughtful comments regarding the post I made. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. I'm not saying they are actual fetal cells, no. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus. These cell lines descended from cells...
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    I understand your viewpoint. Christians should not be condemning other Christians. I believe God is currently revealing right now that He does not want His children taking them. I respect your right to disagree with that view, as I know many do. I understand that many Christians and people...
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    ‘Let them fight’: Bennett slammed for pushing parents to vax-shame each other

    Yes, I think you make a good point. I should have said something like, "I see in at some point in the future that the globalists plan to connect...." It may not necessarily be the next step. Many economies of the world are struggling, and at some point, cash will be done away with. Using...
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    evil at the highest level

    Thank you for posting this important video. Thank you Lord for the honest nurses and doctors who fear God and not man. Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them
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    ‘Let them fight’: Bennett slammed for pushing parents to vax-shame each other

    Yes, I understand that you believe in the mainstream narrative that this a safe and effective vaccine. Many continue to believe this and dismiss evidence that myself, other members, and doctors/researchers have posted about this being an experimental technology. Sadly, I do think the...