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  1. T

    The rapture and "the tribulation"

    I agree the rapture event we are looking for will not occur after this approximate 7 year period that has been called, "the tribulation." That is true that the Lord's remnant church (chosen ones) is not appointed to wrath. I think the remnant church will be glorified while undergoing trials...
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    All Details on EU COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Revealed

    An informative article on the rollout of the recent EU COVID-19 vaccine passport.
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    Why I'm getting the vaccine.

    I have an informative document that I think is well worth looking at. Please take a look at it. It poses two questions. Many have come to the conclusion that these gene therapy shots are part of what some have called a "mark of the beast system." The document in its entirety is linked...
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    During suspected weapons tests around the island, China sends warplanes near Taiwan.

    This article highlights that tensions are running high with the US and China. "A People’s Liberation Army spokeswoman said on Tuesday that the Chinese military conducted coordinated drills around southern Taiwan in retaliation for 'collusion and provocation' by Washington and Taipei."...
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    Chinese media threatens war with US over Taiwan troops typo

    An interesting article here that shows the current tensions between the U.S. and China.
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    Could the tribulation start this year?

    Well, here is my take on the matter. I assume because this is an eschatological discussion we will likely agree to disagree. I think that we do have some signs to look for when it comes to the harpazo of the church. We can look at the signs the Lord told us to look for in Matthew 24. Also...
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    Could the tribulation start this year?

    I can understand your desire to learn more about the end times and I wish you the best in your studies. I do think we are already in Daniel's 70th week or "the tribulation." Some hold to the view that the start of "the tribulation" is the start of the Wrath of God and that the rapture has to...
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    The duel of the people and the masks.

    Definitely interesting questions to ponder I think. It is my view that these vaccines are part of the mark of the beast system. The technology is permanently altering the DNA. Although it is not the final mark of the beast, the biosensors/nanotechnology being used in the first vaccines are...
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    Different Christians have had dreams similar to the one described in the video linked here. The post above is in reference to the event described in this video.
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    The US does support Israel financially and has for a long time of course. I do not think the US can be considered on Israel's side if our government has been been actively supporting a two state solution. A final solution is going to be reached soon, and the US will support a peace plan that...
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    Mt. Juliet pastor claims Gov. Lee has authorized creation of quarantine camps

    I think stories like this help to demonstrate the lateness of the hour. I included below the links to the article and the executive order. The portion of Gov. Lee’s Executive Order 83 that Locke appeared to be referencing is bullet point #18, which states: “Temporary quarantine and isolation...
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    Well, the US currently supports a two state solution that is in the works now. The U.S. has had a significant role in this peace process. Although the final division of Israel is not complete, it will be, fairly soon. Israel will have to concede some of its land in order for a final deal to be...
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    Joel 3:1-2 speaks of the Lord’s judgement against the nations who divide His land. The part I wrote regarding the earthquake has been revealed in prophetic dreams. It has been documented every time America has acted against Israel there have been consequences as shown in the following...
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    The Lord is the judge of the nations. America is part of that group. The judgement of the nations is Biblical obviously. I was referring to a reoccurring dream the Lord has given His servants at different times. I could provide the links to the various dreams Christians have received in...
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    The rapture and "the tribulation"

    Yes, that’s a good reminder for us.
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    Yes, the gene therapy shots do permanently alter the DNA. An HIV-1 segment has been used in the formation of these vaccines and it acts as a third strand of DNA. This is why there have been many examples of false positives for the HIV virus in PCR tests. In effect, this HIV segment acts as an...
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    The rapture and "the tribulation"

    Yes, the words the Lord spoke in the above passages are true. So are the following scriptures when the Lord told us what to look for when the disciples asked Him, "what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" 3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came...
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    Our brother Maurice Sklar discusses a tribulation dream he received from the Lord

    Although a bit lengthy, this dream shared by our brother Maurice Sklar is worth listening to in my opinion. It may be of particular interest to those who are interested in the study of the end times.
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    Donald Trump is part of the occult

    America faces judgements just like all the nations of the world at the end of the age. It will be divided by the Lord by a large earthquake along the New Madrid Fault Line because of its role in helping to divide the land of Israel.
  20. T

    The rapture and "the tribulation"

    Yes, that is sound advice.