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  1. T

    The rapture and "the tribulation"

    I am fairly new to Biblical studies and have been read some scholarly articles in the field of eschatology. I have studied the Bible in some depth in the past five years or so. I think it is good to be aware that there is a debate amongst scholars as to whether it is appropriate to use the...
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    Hello brothers and sisters in the Lord

    Thank you, good to meet you as well. Yes, I definitely agree with that motto. I'm just watching the signs and walking with the Lord one day at a time. Yea, I was going to post the poll in another forum, I'll put it there as well.
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    Thoughts on Cryptocurrency?

    I find it interesting as well. My view is that within the coming antichrist system there will be only one cryptocurrency system. Satan wants total control over the peoples of the world. I think this final cryptocurrency system will be part of the final mark of the beast. At a certain point...
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    Do you believe Trump will be Reinstated?

    Yea, just speculating based on what I've read. It seems plausible to me that the UN will have a presence here in the USA after a calamitous event. While they are here I imagine there could be a plan in the works to disarm Americans.
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    I found this Awesome Worship song that few have seen

    Wonderful song, I enjoyed it, thanks Eren.
  6. T

    predestination vs freewill

    Yes, well said.
  7. T

    predestination vs freewill

    Yes, I'm obviously still learning as well Jerry. My apologies brother for referring to you as a Calvinist. I guess I meant it loosely. I see now that a Christian can believe in one of the Calvinist doctrines and consider oneself part of the reformed tradition and not a Calvinist.
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    Do you believe Trump will be Reinstated?

    I don't think so. If he is reinstated he will just be like a figurehead, no real authority. Obama will come to power through the United Nations and will continue to run things here in the U.S. Who do you think Biden and Harris get their orders from now? Trump and Biden are just Obama's...
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    Quite a well-written and enjoyable poem.
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    Thanks David for your kind comment. The media's psychological operation to promote scientism and the mark of the beast system vaccines has been in full swing for quite some time. The enemy had false teachers T.D. Jakes and Devon Franklin promoting it alongside Dr. Oz a few months ago. I even...
  11. T

    Hello brothers and sisters in the Lord

    Hello Ahwatukee, Yes, I generally agree with your placement of the Day of the Lord. Some place the start of the Day of the Lord after the great tribulation has occurred. Some also say that the Day of the Lord begins all the way at the opening of the 6th seal in approximately the final 2...
  12. T

    Hello brothers and sisters in the Lord

    Thanks Deade for welcoming me. I was more referring that my discussion of the end times could be viewed as being "a bit much" in an intro than the poll specifically. I'll leave the poll there because it is relevant to what I was speaking about.
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    predestination vs freewill

    Well, you obviously hold to the Calvinist doctrine of total depravity and perseverance of the saints which Arminians such as myself hold as false. It's a matter of what doctrines a Christian holds to. Some believe in Calvinist doctrines and others don't. A Calvinist view that believes man...
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    It is my view that the vaccine does qualify as the mark of the beast although it is not the final version of the mark of the beast. Its part of an overall system that is not completely in place. These vaccines contain nanoparticles called quantum dots that act as biosensors. The DNA is...
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    Is Obedience Necessary for Salvation?

    This is a matter of two theological systems of thought: Calvinism vs Arminianism. Holding to a more Arminian position does not make one a legalist in my view. Generally speaking, Arminians just don't believe in the same doctrines that Calvinists do. Calvinism includes the belief that God’s...
  16. T

    Hello brothers and sisters in the Lord

    Hello to my fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus. I'm Matt, a 36 year old living in the Los Angeles area. I was raised in a Christian home but never had a committed relationship with the Lord until about 2017. It was about that time I became born again after being a largely lukewarm...