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  1. R

    Is Jesus returning soon?

    (Disclaimer: this is all very end-Acts dispensational, but maybe it will help..) 1. 'Soon' did mean soon, but it doesn't anymore. All the NT writers, and Jesus himself in the gospels, state that his return is not very far off. This was a very real and very possible expectation, but it was...
  2. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Too hard? Okay, I can cheat, I have a chart. It is 9. Adam lived to see his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson, Lamech. Adam Seth Enosh Cainan Mahalaleel Jared Enoch Methuselah Lamech (Noah's dad)
  3. R

    Abel's Offering vs Cain's

    this is an idea i have heard, which i think fits very well. consider this.. 1. Adam and Eve sinned in the garden. God had warned them, (Gen 2.17) 'in the day you eat of it, you shall surely die' (i notice the NIV has taken 'day' out (do they think they are helping?), but 'day' is there in the...
  4. R

    My faith wavers because of hell

    a few points.. 'for ever' is the translation of 'aion', but it really means 'age'. occasionally we see 'aion aion', so it is translated 'for ever and ever' - which is pretty meaningless on its own (i guess the translators didn't really know what else to do with it). but what if it means 'the...
  5. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Including Adam, how many generations were alive when he died?
  6. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I think that piece of ground is also the 'rock', as in the 'dome of the rock' on the temple mount that Muslims believe is the 'foundation stone', the stone from which the whole world was formed. Not sure where they get that, but there it is. I was up there in Oct last year, but wasn't allowed...
  7. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    good for you! too quick. i was just looking it up to find the detail, and you already answered! correct on both counts. the whole drama plays out in 1 Chr 21, the plague is stopped at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite. David chooses this as the site for the temple: 1Ch_21:22 Then...
  8. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    How was the temple site in Jerusalem chosen?
  9. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    ok, i looked it up. he was 110, and buried in 'timnath serah'
  10. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    without looking, 140 sounds familiar. buried - no idea. :)
  11. R

    How do we know God is good

    I don't think pointing to nature is much of an answer to the question. Nature is beautiful to an observer, but a closer view you can see all animals (and plants) life is a constant struggle. As well as being magnificent and fascinating, it is equally cruel and brutal. For me, reading the bible...
  12. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    which king went mad and ate grass with the cows for 7 yrs ?
  13. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I'm listening to a study currently on the book of James, and the preliminary material was talking about James the person. I found it fascinating that during Jesus' lifetime his brothers didn't believe in him and were not followers, but after Jesus resurrection we see James become not only...
  14. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Wow, that's making me rethink this. I knew it as only 8 and 16, still a double portion but I'll have to take another look now. I'm pretty sure 13 and 14 were not included with Elijah, but I'll have to check those for Elisha. So thanks for that, I like it. And it was meant to be a bit of a trick...
  15. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Elijah has eight miracles recorded to him, how many did Elisha do when he was alive?
  16. R

    Must all dispensationalists believe in cessation of miracles?

    I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I'd be curious to know what those miracles were. I have a pentecostal friend who is adamant he's seen many 'amazing' miracles as well, but I remain very skeptical. I went to one of his church meetings one time and they had their 'healing' moment and the...
  17. R

    Must all dispensationalists believe in cessation of miracles?

    6. And then it changed. At the end of Acts, in Ch 28:25-28 after Paul's all-day gathering with the Jews, their rejection meant Israel's second chance expired. Paul's parting proclamation in Acts 28:25-28 "..And when they AGREED NOT among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one...
  18. R

    Must all dispensationalists believe in cessation of miracles?

    I know this thread is a little old now, but I only joined this site recently and was looking around for any dispensational threads and found this one. As you might say, I am a full on 'dispy', but more the end-Acts flavour than Acts 2 or Acts 9/10. I've seen a few interesting comments in this...
  19. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    what do you mean 'with a promise'?
  20. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Yeah, too easy I guess. The obvious answer is only two, Caleb and Joshua, but those that were condemned to die in the wilderness (because they didn't trust God to lead them into the promised land) were only those 20yrs and older. So there would be plenty of children under 20 that survived the...