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  1. R

    Why have the Sign Gifts Ended

    I agree with some of this, but some important differences in opinion: 1. Agree. 2. Agree. 3. Agree. 4. Agree. 5. What? where does the 1yr extension come from? Israel rejected Christ and crucified him - this was prophesied and necessary. But Jesus prayed: 'forgive them' (Israel), and so the...
  2. R

    Understanding Gen 2:7

    Keep in mind that punctuation didn't exist until hundreds of years after this. What you read in our modern bibles is interpretation as well as translation. Saying it the way I have it is totally plausible, so then if all other scriptures point toward death as 'sleep', awaiting resurrection, then...
  3. R

    Understanding Gen 2:7

    Move the comma. Try it this way: "I say unto you today, you will be with me in paradise". Besides, 'paradise' here is referring to the millennial kingdom, which is yet sometime off.
  4. R

    Count the numbers

    You guys are right - numbers are very important in the scriptures. I have seen a study on it, but I think some of the examples are a bit circular. Nonetheless, understanding the significance does make the references pop out. Some of the ones I remember: 7 - perfection. 7 days in the week, 7...
  5. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    that is surprising - i was thinking more like 20.
  6. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    It is interesting, but I suppose not surprising, that the psalms were numbered before NT times. The quote is by Paul in the book of Acts.. Act 13:33 ..this God has fulfilled to us their children, raising up Jesus, as also it is written in the second Psalm, "You are My Son, this day I have...
  7. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Next question, hmm, okay.. Which psalm is quoted and referenced by its number?
  8. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I would have said the Pharisees, but the verse actually says the 'chief priests'. Interesting that not long before this, Jesus was teaching to the Pharisees (and others) and taught them the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, which ended with "..if they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets...
  9. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Well, I had to cheat - but its the book of Acts - which makes sense. Here's my question - where do we find a bunch of trees having trouble trying to elect for themselves a ruler?
  10. R

    Fulfilling a Prophecy

    Not wanting to create a fuss, but I think you are wrong. To me, the bible makes a clear distinction between the father and the son, so it must be pretty important. Yes, they are one, but they are not the same. You can't call Jesus the 'father', it is not correct. He is always referred to as the...
  11. R

    Cain's Offering

    i haven't read through all the comments, so at risk of repeating someone else (which is unlikely), here is my take. Well, it is not my original idea, but I certainly have a strong tendency to agree with it. It goes like this.. Note, we will need a little license with translations, but bear with...
  12. R


    The 'new covenant' and being 'saved' are not the same thing. But I will rest and say no more.
  13. R


    My point is simply that as Gentiles, we were never bound by the Sabbath law. It is certainly lawful for you to obey the sabbath, likewise it is perfectly lawful for you to not. But even as Jews, the sabbath is abolished, so same-same. Churches are fine to recommend observing a/the sabbath, but...
  14. R


    1. I understand that God resting on the seventh day is the model for the sabbath for Israel, but it was not given to Gentiles. Go ahead, enjoy your sabbath if you want, but it is not a requirement. We are not bound by the law to keep it. And if you did want to follow the given law, then you are...
  15. R


    Hmm, only read a few responses on this, a bit messy. My thoughts.. 1. Jesus did NOT break the Sabbath law. What he did break is the Pharisaic additions to the law, the 'traditions'. It is lawful to pick something to eat on the sabbath, it is not lawful to harvest. And yes, Jesus absolutely had...
  16. R

    Was Jesus planning to return within a generation?

    Great question, I'm glad you asked. Wow, lot's of varied replies. Let me offer my views as to what is going on here. (This is largely taken from a reply I posted some months back in some other discussion, but the guts of it is still relevant to the discussion). And as a warning for those not...
  17. R

    Isaiah 54:1-55:5; Matt 3:1-4:25

    hey there. so you are a jewish rabbi that is also a christian? interesting. i know what you mean about the synagogue in capernaum - i was there about this time last year. and of the whole trip, that was one of my favourite places. i am pretty skeptical that it was actually peter's house (the...
  18. R

    When was Creation?

    There are several examples of God taking plenty of time to bring something about. And thinking about the miraculous events through the OT, they are pretty much always using natural means. Eg the plagues of Egypt - locusts, frogs, etc. These are natural phenomenon that can happen. (Don't get me...
  19. R

    When was Creation?

    I used to be a staunch believer in the literal reading of Genesis creation account. But I have since read various books on the matter, some from young-earth Christian writers, and others from old-earth Christian writers. I am now convinced that the young-earth version is just wishful thinking...
  20. R

    Is Jesus found in the O.T.?

    ..and which, incidentally, ties in very well with the birth of Benjamin. Rachel died giving birth to him, and she first named him ben-(something else), which meant 'son of my sorrow', but Jacob named him benjamin which meant 'son of my right hand'. Again, Jesus fits both descriptions. And of...