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  1. R

    Is Jesus found in the O.T.?

    ..and I find it fascinating that Jesus was both the son of David, and the (supposed) son of Joseph, matching the two messianic titles the Jews had come up with.
  2. R

    Is Jesus found in the O.T.?

    For Jews living in the day, they may well have known. They were very much expecting the messiah (in large because of Daniel's 70 sevens was about due and also because of the Roman oppression), and they would've know their OT well. So quite possibly, they should have known. But a big part of the...
  3. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    ..and to lighten the mood, a trivia question (though I struggle calling anything in God's word 'trivial').. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan toward Jericho, the water was parted and 'piled up in a great heap'. How far upstream did the waters reach? (..and I don't know exactly how, but I...
  4. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    (don't worry Lafftur - I know it is off-topic, and it is a very divisive one. This is my last post on the matter). Who are you talking about, stillness? It is clear from the passages already quoted that David is not in heaven. So who does go there? ..just believers since Christ? It doesn't...
  5. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Sorry, can't help myself. Are you saying Rachel is in heaven? It sounds nice, but it really is unscriptural to say we have gone to heaven when we die. I'll keep it brief because it is not the right channel, and terribly unpopular (I'm sure greater than 99.99% of Christians follow this line)...
  6. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I will go out on a limb and say that it was the 'fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil'. I think that is all we ever got.
  7. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    BTW, the 'bright spark's name was Dr Thirtle, you can more info if you google him. He wrote his piece around 1904. There's also references to other psalms it clears the confusion with. Such a simple solution to a tricky problem.
  8. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    The Psalms. The ancient Hebrew manuscripts had no breaks between the psalms, but when it was translated into Greek in the Septuagint, the notes were attached to the beginning of the adjacent psalm. Every translation since has copied that and stuck them at the top, as a superscript, even in my...
  9. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Hmm, a question.. Okay, here's an interesting one.. In the psalms, there are many little notes like 'to the chief musician' and 'a psalm of david'. Should these go at the beginning or end of the psalm? How do we know?
  10. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Actually, reading the passage in Num 20 just now, I realise it was both Moses and Aaron that were given the punishment to not enter the land. Anyway, the punishment.. I have been taught that the crime was that Moses spoiled the 'type'. On the first occasion (Ex 17) God told Moses to strike the...
  11. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Good question. I'm fairly certain these were the sub-tribes (maybe of Aaron, but definitely Levites) that had duties to carry the different portions of the tabernacle whenever it was on the move. So building the temple put them all permanently out of a job. :)
  12. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Interesting thoughts Jacob, but they are just theories. It doesn't make sense that Noah had two of every different type of dog, but whether he only had two in total is just a guess - we are simply not given that detail. So it's hard to put that as a bible trivia question.
  13. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    hmm, they did receive understanding from the Lord for the 40 days while he went through the scriptures with them. does that count?
  14. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Ah, thanks Lafftur. I knew Rachel's tomb was near Bethlehem, I saw it last year - ..well, I saw the graveyard. That was as close as I could get as it was beyond the walled off Palestinian region. Anyway, I had wondered about that passage, and had never made the connection of 'Rachel weeping' to...
  15. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I always feel a bit sorry for poor old Saul. He never wanted to be king, God chose him. But he certainly went off the rails at the end. I can only trust in God's judgment what happens to him at the end.
  16. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    OK, it might be a bit tough. (a) Ezekiel 28 The chapter is in multiple parts. The first portion (vv1-10) is addressed to 'the prince of Tyre', who is clearly a man and probably the earthly king of Tyre. ('you are a man and not a god' - i think it was not unusual for kings/emporers/pharaohs to...
  17. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    (a) Who was referred to as 'the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty'? (b) What is his native language?
  18. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    well, that's interesting. i was reading NIV which says 'Xerxes' all through it. I checked my KJV and it has 'Ahasuerus'. i pulled up my eSword and see 'ahasuerus' on most as well. GNB (good news) has 'xerxes'. daniel, yeah, made it easy by saying it was tricky. you can ask another now. :)
  19. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    King Xerxes. Had to look it up, of course. Tricky one. How did Daniel escape the fiery furnace?
  20. R

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    yeah yeah, it was just a bit of fun.