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  1. G

    To TellTyson

    Whatever reporting you do, don't be chicken about it.
  2. G

    I Don't Like Men

    Well, let's just say it is kind of like watching an episode of Survivor, and convincing yourself those few people are really all alone on a desert island.
  3. G

    I Don't Like Men

    I guess I saw a lot more when I looked at that THIRD NIGHT HOMELESS thread than you and *Tourist* did. In that particular case, I am more aligned with *JamOn.*
  4. G

    I Don't Like Men

    Of course it may not always be as drastic as all that, but it usually is someone asking for help of some kind. That is exactly what Jesus meant when he said for us to "bear one another's burdens." And if we choose not to be bothered to listen, we can rest assured we probably won't have to hear...
  5. G

    I Don't Like Men

    It's understandable that we don't want to look at the possibility that a friend came to us for help, but we couldn't hear their tiny cries. Not everyone is geared for that level of compassion. I'm not. I have to rely heavily upon my training to bring it into active interaction.
  6. G

    I Don't Like Men

    Read that BLOG article all the way to the end.
  7. G

    I Don't Like Men

    The fact that they either didn't reach out to you... or that you didn't hear what they were trying to say... should tell you a lot. From all I have read here, I suspect you wouldn't be a person too receptive to any pleas for help, whether veiled or plainly and openly expressed.
  8. G

    I Don't Like Men

    Sorry, I'm afraid that's not accurate. Other people may not be listening, but the endangered people almost always try to reach out to someone. We would be fools to only look for someone saying, "Hey, I'm thinking of killing myself." before we realize they are in trouble.
  9. G

    Doing your own thing

    Wow! That OP post reeks with deluded arrogance. (You really shouldn't brag about your IQ and your intelligence if you are going to publish a post that is littered with so many grammatical errors.)
  10. G

    Catching bugs with the Amish

    Was it anything here?:
  11. G

    How transparent should we expect any President to be?

    Why do nosy little people think they have to know what someone's tax returns are? The IRS says he is legal, don't they? So then, what is your interest? In serious business, disclosing details of your operation to your competitors can be very detrimental to you. And his children now own those...
  12. G

    How transparent should we expect any President to be?

    Hey! You Dems started all this PC nonsense..... It's "Special Needs" now, so quit tryin' to have it both ways. LOL
  13. G

    How Many Singles Here Just Eat or Drink Straight Out of the Container -- and Then Put it BACK?!

    Seriously, you'll run tongue with your spouse, but you have to use separate glasses? As Biden would say, "C'mon, Man!"
  14. G

    How Many Singles Here Just Eat or Drink Straight Out of the Container -- and Then Put it BACK?!

    You say that like there's something wrong with it??? It saves washing another glass.
  15. G

    trying to lose Pride.

    I am quite proud of how humble I am.
  16. G

    A Toxic workplace

    I spent six years either on a ward, or instructing in an occupational therapist capacity. I can guarantee you that most of us there were almost as weird as the most unhinged patient.
  17. G

    I Don't Like Men

  18. G


    Your "Ol' Lady"? Sounds like you have neither a girlfriend nor a wife, JB. I think you may just be "playing house" until one or both of you gets tired of the other and starts looking elsewhere.