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  1. G


    BTW, the word "catholic" is only found in selected versions of the two most popular creeds. THE APOSTLES CREED I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit; Born of the Virgin Mary; Suffered...
  2. G


    Basically, "the wide-spread church."
  3. G

    Pen pals?

    I once prided myself on the excellence of my penmanship. But, now, I can hardly read my own writing.
  4. G

    First world problems

    When I was broke, I was pretty down on rich people. But, the wife of a millionaire friend opened my eyes to just how much the wealthy do for our communities. Now that I am working on my second million, (I gave up on the first) I more fully understand how cool it is to be able to give away...
  5. G

    Pen pals?

    When I was nine, stamps were 5 cents.
  6. G

    Catching bugs with the Amish

    I never got one...…… :cry: All I could do was wish and hope for years, until my dreams turned elsewhere.
  7. G

    Catching bugs with the Amish

    Small world!!! I was also in a Comm Center. And my dream game was electric football. But, being a lot older tham\n you, THIS is what my mouth watered for"
  8. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    Didn't you have to attend Catechism before you knew the "sound doctrine?" Of course you did. So why are you resisting showing it to others?
  9. G


    I know that sounds good, and all that. And I dig your usage. But, the actual word only means: cath·o·lic /ˈkaTH(ə)lik/ adjective adjective: catholic including a wide variety of things; all-embracing. "her tastes are pretty catholic" Similar: diverse, diversified, wide, broad, broad-based...
  10. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    That's about what we all figured.
  11. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    I'm pretty sure that's what I asked.
  12. G


    "catholic" is an adjective, describing a characteristic of the Church. A person, place or thing is a noun. A person cannot be a "catholic." (That would be like saying, "I'm a tall.) They could, however, be a "catholic" Christian. (Kim, Not to "nitpick", of course.... just imparting some...
  13. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    I was just wondering, Jaden, is there any particular church denomination that espouses the same sound theology as you do?
  14. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    I have no idea, it was written somewhere around the time Christ was here.
  15. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    Have you noticed he dropped the word "Theologically"? He knows that is the main concept that is indefensible.
  16. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    It's like seeing a three-legged dog run. Even though we may feel sorry for him, we still stare.
  17. G

    Has anyone here....

    Until you concretely decide for yourself that you know what "the unpardonable sin" is, you will continue to ask a vague question about something that, to you, will just remain a nebulous cloud of confusion.
  18. G

    Are You a Correct Believer in Jesus Christ?

    Like that's ever gonna happen. LOL
  19. G

    Is anybody listening to me?

    That which I just BOLDED in your quote is something we were strongly warned about in both school and in training. We were constantly reminded to keep in mind that a sentence such as you just wrote, really needed one more word to be truly accurate: "The way in which they respond May offer...