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  1. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    As I have said before, God's Holy Word aka Bible does clearly say that God created man and woman and told them to go forth and multiply, making the primary use of sex in marriage that of procreation. Sex for fun and pleasure is not addressed in God's Holy Word and, thus, it is not the primary...
  2. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    Good post, Mii. I think most, if not all, who responded to this person's concerns provided sincere help but the bottom line remains that the person who started this thread really needs to seek all help she can get to make a decision that is in full accordance with God's Will and to be healed as...
  3. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    I am sure God does not object in the least to a married couple having proper sexual relations (He may object to some ways exercised) but I do believe He would object to a couple deliberately prohibiting pregnancy that may or may not have occurred by using artificial birth control of any sort. As...
  4. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    well spoken .. and right .. a husband to be would have to be in agreement with not having children and as you say and so have others, would a husband to be be able to manage when his wife had such issues .. I agree that this lady should seek help in overcoming her difficulties and in turning to...
  5. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    I thought I was wrong once but I was wrong .. lol I agree that the woman in question should work on improving herself and her life and some of her current anxiety may become null and void in due time ..
  6. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    I do think God "says" what He chooses and "means what He says" and if He did not say something, I think a true Christian still knows His intent and His will. Some Christians are self-serving, lovers of self, and man-pleasing and such Christians would put themselves ahead of God - their choice...
  7. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    I think the RCC does not practise true Christianity as they add a lot of their own thing and prioritise some of such as being more important than what God wills but I believe there are true Christians within Catholicism and that many, if not most, of them are being deceived in some ways. It is...
  8. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    Sorry, Dino, offhand I cannot provide a passage but when God created man and woman, He told them to go forth and multiply .. not once did He say, multiply if you wish or just have fun if you wish .. lol .. I think God made it so the only way to reproduce was by sex between man and woman and...
  9. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    Yes, the husband must agree with what you wish. In marriage, two will become one spiritually, so for either to insist on any aspect without the other's agreement would be wrong (unless the one insisting is doing so based on refusing to be part of something illegal, immoral, or against one's...
  10. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    Maxwel, if you ever reference my posts, you can just refer to me as "old" as I am old when it suits me and not so when it doesn't .. lol
  11. M

    Apparently I can't get married

    This is a difficult issue. On the one hand, having sexual relationships outside marriage is sinful for any Christian but once married, sexual relationships are not sinful and the primary purpose for sexual relationships is for procreation. Thus, a married Catholic who practises sex in marriage...
  12. M

    Gay wedding

    First, I strongly object to being called a homophobe when I do not approve practising of sodomy or whatever it is called with lesbians .. I do not fear homosexuals so am not homophobic .. the Anglican Church of Canada, within the last year, sanctioned gay marriage .. when I phoned a top official...
  13. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I don't freak out over sinning either .. I choose to sin when I do but I do genuinely repent for sinning .. when I say I choose, I mean that, yes, I do choose in that sin does not just happen and we are unaware of it .. one sin I still am trying to overcome is my verbal reaction to sudden...
  14. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    okay, tell us specifically what the parable means .. what is the hidden meaning or truth in the story to be learned from this parable ..
  15. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    his being a son never changed and all that entailed was restored by his compassionate, loving, caring, forgiving father when the son REPENTED .. the same would be true for us as prodigal children of God IF we REPENT aka turn back .. not all prodigals turn back aka repent and they remain sons and...
  16. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    only because he realised the error of his ways and REPENTED
  17. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    man's languages are becoming worse and worse to the point that they, including English, have become a tower of BABBLE, so they cannot be relied upon to explain God's Holy Spirit inspired Word and Truth which rises above man's languages, cultures, ... His Word is ALL for ALL for ALL time and God...
  18. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    we are told a few times in God's Word to "endure" till the end .. to endure aka persevere aka persist in faith and in doing God's Will .. if we do not endure, we shall not have eternal salvation unless, of course, we repent and then endure ..
  19. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I agree with Lafftur .. God's Word IS God's Word so Who best to say it and clarify the meaning than God Himself