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  1. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I can't agree with we are spiritual beings first as Adam and Eve were the only people in the beginning and their descendants which includes us came after they were expelled from Eden for disobeying God. Also, we must be born again in the Holy Spirit. If we were already spiritual beings, such...
  2. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Wowwwwwwwwwwww, now you have lost me .. if you can, please explain this more and in advance, thanks
  3. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I sin and I repent genuinely and in doing so, some of my sinfulness is gone but there is still more to overcome. If I stay with and in God and let Him live with and in and through me, resisting sin will be easier and sin that I have still not overcome will eventually be overcome as God will help...
  4. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    God loves all .. sinners and non-sinners. If we love Him, we are to obey His two great commandments but do we? When we disobey, we need to genuinely repent and we shall be forgiven, our sins forgotten, and not punished. Also, repentance serves to restore our relationship with God and it...
  5. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Sorry, I won't stop but all you need to do is ignore me. Obedience IS required and repentance when we don't obey and such is NOT works and NOT earning Salvation. Yes, Jesus wants that none will perish but He knows many will perish as they will either not choose to come to Him or choose later not...
  6. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    not a self-righteous Pharisee at all .. I was merely laughing at what you said to another .. I am a sinner and I humbly acknowledge such and humbly and genuinely repent .. if I choose to sin but not repent, I choose to walk away from God and to forfeit His gift of Salvation that I accepted .. I...
  7. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Any gift your parents gave you, you accepted (in your heart, maybe, rejected as you didn't like it) and then you misplaced it/lost it and, maybe, found it again or you threw it away coz you didn't want it .. Salvation is a gift for ALL bought and paid for by Jesus Christ giving His life on the...
  8. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Yes, only the victorious will inherit the Kingdom and who will be the victorious?
  9. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I like that answer but do not fully agree. God CAN and WILL work in and through us ONLY "IF" we allow Him to do so by our submitting to His Will being done, not our own when our will is not in accordance with His. Obeying Christ's two great commandments is showing our love for Him as He Himself...
  10. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    We are constantly warned in God's Holy Spirit inspired Word and Truth to "endure to the end" and that is for the saved, not for the unsaved. The unsaved and unbelievers are not told to endure as they have nothing in which to endure. The saved are to endure in their faith and in their doing God's...
  11. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    why then are we continually warned to beware of Satan and his plans for our eternity .. if our eternal salvation cannot be lost by our free will choices, why are we warned about Satan and sinning and repenting
  12. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Satan believes and was already in Heaven but he still believes but is not in Heaven and never will be again .. why? .. he arrogantly disobeyed God's Will and refused to submit to God and His Will and he still does refuse .. so, if that happened to him, can such not happen to us who believe and...
  13. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Satan is doing really well in deceiving so many of you .. in latter days, many will depart from the faith .. they were saved but then departed from the faith for whatever reasons .. hopefully, some repented aka returned aka changed back to believing in God and loving Him and obeying Him ..
  14. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Try reading God's Word and you will see how wrong you are .. all I can do is reiterate .. faith, love, obedience to God's Will, repenting genuinely when you fail to obey .. repent or perish ..
  15. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Yes, I know He will deliver me coz I am repenting each time and doing so genuinely and the repentance brings forgiveness and full restoration of my life with and in Christ and it gives strength of healing so that I can and do persevere in trying and in seeing that such is slowly but steadily and...
  16. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Right, Jesus WILL NEVER LET GO .. BUT you can let go and walk away and later return aka repent or never return aka never repent. JESUS will hold your hand IF you let Him but you can pull your hand away.
  17. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Accept the gift and then ENDURE in faith, love, obedience, and repentance in disobedience and then and only then will eternal salvation be/remain eternal. Like any gift given us, we accept or reject it and if we accept it, we keep it forever or we misplace it but find it again and keep it (aka...
  18. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    The gift is for eternal life but you must first accept the gift and then keep it. You and only you can make the choice to accept the gift and you and only you can choose to keep it by starting and then continuing in believing, loving, obeying, and repenting when you disobey. God offered ALL the...
  19. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I try, too, to confess and profess sorrow and repentance each time I sin. If we are really in turn with God and His Will and Commandments, we know when we sin and we know if we are sorry and repent or not. Some of my sins have been daily and one in particular was very persistant but I kept on...