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  1. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    God can do anything and everything and could force ALL to do as He wishes and force ALL to be saved. BUT He does not do so. We can know what God wills from His Holy Spirit inspired Word and Truth and then He ALLOWS US to exercise free will in choosing and with every choice there is a...
  2. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    for sure all without sin will be saved .. what sins can a 3-year old knowingly, willingly, deliberately commit?
  3. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    we MUST believe, MUST love, MUST obey, MUST repent when disobedient .. or we will not be saved .. not rocket science .. God's Will and the two Great Commandments are not suggestions but commands and commands MUST be obeyed and repented for when disobeyed
  4. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    as to what you said Noose, I think you meant not inherit
  5. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    faith, love, obedience, repentance when disobedient or no salvation
  6. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    so, mailmandan, are you saying it doesn't matter how much one sins and does not repent or how serious one's sinning is or that one's sinning is done knowingly, willingly, deliberately .. that one is still saved? I asked 3 OSAS believers and I know many, if not most, other OSAS believers would...
  7. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    faith, love, obedience, repentance when disobedient
  8. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Forgiveness is NOT automatic but given in fullness with no punishment as Christ paid the punishment but we cannot just sin and not ask forgiveness and repent aka turn back to God and we must become like little children as in be childlike, not childish.
  9. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Yes, we never stop being God's children and He never stops loving us BUT He allows us to use our free will to choose to come to Him and stay with Him or to come to Him and later leave Him but return in time as did the prodigal son or to come to Him and later leave Him and never return to Him...
  10. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Yes, God saves and we cannot save ourselves but must rely on Him to save us BUT some reject His offer to save them so unless and until they accept His offer to save them, they will not be saved. As for those who accept His offer to save them, they MUST believe, love, obey, and repent when they...
  11. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Yes, we MUST obey Him but some sinfulness takes many tries to overcome so we keep trying and trying and I believe repenting each time we fail at it does help strengthen us in being more effective - has worked for me. But, yes, we MUST obey Him and His commandments which are not "suggestions".
  12. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    God reads our hearts and knows how much we believe in Him, love Him, try to obey Him, repent when we disobey. Just as healing of disease becomes easier the more we take the medicine prescribed as prescribed, the easier obedience becomes to God's Will, not our will, the more we do obey and the...
  13. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I do not know how mailmandan will respond but my response would be that only God can and does save BUT only IF we co-operate and submit to His Will aka Way to be saved. If we refuse to do as God commands, we refuse to let Him save us. We let go of the rope by turning to sin and not turning back...
  14. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    I really believe the parable of the prodigal son clearly parallels we children of our Heavenly Father. When we go our own way, not by God's Will, we are prodigal children. God will allow us to go our own way and will keep on loving us and wanting us to come back to Him, but He won't force us. He...
  15. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to all those questions. I do not believe in OSAS as many do. I truly believe there is more to it than just believing. Believing that Jesus Christ is the ONE and ONLY Way to Heaven is a MUST but only a first step. IF we believe, we must ENDURE believing no matter what. Once one...
  16. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not unless they genuinely repent aka turn back to God in believing and loving and obeying and repenting when disobeying.
  17. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    All gifts by man and by God can be accepted or rejected and if accepted can be misplaced/lost but later found and kept or thrown away and never taken back. IF we accept God's gift of Salvation, THEN we can keep it by obeying His Will and repenting when we fail to do so or we can misplace/lose it...
  18. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Anyone who says he/she is without sin is a LIAR and that is the greatest sin and leads to all other sin. Satan's most famous title is father of lies.
  19. M

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    Of course, Christ saves us BUT only IF we submit to His doing so. He will NEVER force Himself on anyone to come to Him or stay with Him. Some come and stay and some never come and others come and then leave. The Father draws those He chooses but they may not go to Him and He will not force them...