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  1. Handyman62

    Uvalde, TX School Shooting

    Pretty odd that you are trying to use the addiction analogy on people that own guns. The vast majority of those that legally own guns never commit crimes with them and in fact there are many examples of legal gun owners preventing all manner of crimes including murder. Now those with illegal...
  2. Handyman62

    Uvalde, TX School Shooting

    So how long had the Uvalde school shooter been a gun addict?
  3. Handyman62

    Uvalde, TX School Shooting

    Are you saying those that shoot up schools do it because they have a gun addiction?
  4. Handyman62

    Southern Baptist Convention Quashed Sex Abuse Claims

    Can you be more specific on what "the protestant cult" is?
  5. Handyman62

    Uvalde, TX School Shooting

    There's nothing in the constitution that states the government or police by extension are obligated to protect people or property. So the police don't have to put themselves in harms way for any reason and it's entirely up to them whether they are willing to try and save anyone's life including...
  6. Handyman62

    What is meant when people say 'guns don't kill people; people do'?

    What do you think that would accomplish?
  7. Handyman62

    Southern Baptist Convention Quashed Sex Abuse Claims

    Christians are usually held to a higher standard and I believe that's how it should be. But not everyone who attends a Christian Church or works for a Christian organization is Christian nor do those who are Christians always act like Christians, so non Christian behavior is an unfortunate side...
  8. Handyman62

    The Shortage, Are You Preparing?

    I believe the rapture does play a part in prepping. Many believe there's no need to be prepared because they think God will take them before the SHTF. I'm not 100% convinced of that therefore I prep for that and other reasons. People can believe what they want to and that's their choice, but...
  9. Handyman62

    The Shortage, Are You Preparing?

    I'm not interested in reading your blog. Just post some scriptures here.
  10. Handyman62

    The Shortage, Are You Preparing?

    I could do with some Luxury living! Where do you live and I'll be right there?:D
  11. Handyman62

    The Shortage, Are You Preparing?

    Can you or anyone else post scripture that say's specifically that we will be raptured before the tribulation? I would love to be wrong but I have read the Bible several times and haven't seen any scripture that is specific enough to convince me of a pretribe rapture. Of all that have suffered...
  12. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    Yes much closer, but still many things have to happen before his arrival.
  13. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    Prepare now while you still can.
  14. Handyman62

    Elon Musk Buys Twitter

    Yes that one is full of beans and the resulting flatulence. :poop:
  15. Handyman62

    Corporations vs workers

    They would except truckers get paid based on the the number of miles they drive and the time spent waiting while their trucks are loaded and unloaded is built in to that wage. I don't know if fight attendents are paid the same way but I would assume they are also paid based on the number of...
  16. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    And make sure when they need to go to the toilet they know where all the Democrat, Rino & Republican legislators live in Washington.
  17. Handyman62

    Biden Wanders Around Stage Alone As Dems Huddle With Obama at the WH

    It should come as no surprise that they don't care about him when you look at how little they care about this country and all it's citizens. :cry:
  18. Handyman62

    AOC becomes 5th House Democrat to call on Clarence Thomas to resign or be impeached over wife's Jan. 6 texts

    I hope you're trying to be funny. :ROFL: If not may the Lord have mercy on your soul. :cry:
  19. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    She could be acting odd because she's had her face stretched one to many times and it's squeezing her brain. The pressure is probably building up so perhaps in the near future she will have a blowout.