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  1. Handyman62

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    One of the worst thing parents can do to their children is to divorce. It will always have a negative effect on the children. The best thing you could do is reconcile with your husband and put your family back together.
  2. Handyman62

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    Jesus is part of the far right so the farther to the left you are then the closer you are to Satan which puts you pretty darn close.:devilish: :eek: Wise up and repent.(y)
  3. Handyman62

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    Fence sitters are some of the most smug people out there. They think they are the sharpest knife in the drawer because that don't take a side.o_O
  4. Handyman62

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    You cannot trust a "leftist supporter" to give an honest answer to the question.
  5. Handyman62

    Goldberg says Holocaust wasn't about Race

    I believe men are more than capable of multitasking but tend not to concern themselves so much with inconsequential things and choose to concentrate on whats most important at any given point in time. If a task requires multitasking the he steps up and does what's necessary.
  6. Handyman62

    Your View of The View.

    It bothers me when I think someones post appear to be disingenuous. But hey carry on.
  7. Handyman62

    Your View of The View.

    Why don't you start threads about things that interest you instead of going on a fishing expedition about things you claim you have no interest in.
  8. Handyman62

    Your View of The View.

    If you don't know and you don't care, then why bother starting this thread?
  9. Handyman62

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    I believe all the hired antifa thugs that were arrested were released very soon after and had their charges dropped. So the only one's still being held/charged with a crime are ordinary patriots. Some at most may have trespassed others did nothing wrong.
  10. Handyman62

    Trump says he might pardon January 6 rioters

    How many antifa were arrested during the false flag event? And if any were arrested, how many are still in jail?
  11. Handyman62

    One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year

    Not mocking just trying to get you to see the flaw in your logic. At this point I have said all that I'm going to say on the subject.
  12. Handyman62

    The WHO predicting deadlier covid strains ... CC News at 6:00

    A mole is not exactly a bat but the point is still taken.
  13. Handyman62

    One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year

    So you were baptized in the name of the lord Jesus. Them you have to do it again in the name of Yeshua.
  14. Handyman62

    Cuba's in: Troops in Syria to help Assad and Putin

    I suggest you take your own advice.
  15. Handyman62

    One World Religion Headquarters Set to Open Next Year

    I'm not sure what the purpose is in what you are saying because the way I see it, Jesus is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and therefore there is no real difference other than acknowledging God in all 3 of his forms.
  16. Handyman62

    Cuba's in: Troops in Syria to help Assad and Putin

    Oh goody another yes man who's paid to come here and spread dis-information.:ROFL:
  17. Handyman62

    Is the Rapture a lie? Is Zionism a lie?

    If metaphorically you are a car and are covered with dirt. That dirt will keep you from driving to Heaven unless the dirt is removed. So Jesus offers to become the driver of your car and take you to the carwash/sinwash and scrub you clean so you can go to heaven and have eternal life.
  18. Handyman62

    Enoch and other “lost books” of the Bible

    I made one addition to what I wrote. Take it as you like as I'm not claiming to be a book in the Bible.
  19. Handyman62

    Enoch and other “lost books” of the Bible

    Simply put if we are to believe the Bible is the word of God then there are reasons why other books were not included and are not meant for the edification of Christians. Doesn't mean they are not worth reading to gain additional enlightenment about the history of the times, but I would be...
  20. Handyman62

    Biden drops mandate for private employers

    How many employers are going to continue with the mandates? I don't think at this point we have won much.