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  1. Handyman62

    Global Inverted Yield Curve Sparks Fears of Worldwide Economic Collapse

    That works for things people can do without. Necessities will always remain high or go higher especially when spending power decreases because businesses close and more people lose their jobs. Businesses tend to scale back production and raise prices when they know they can get away with it...
  2. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    To unreliable, a stay radio signal could possibly set one or more of them off prematurely. But if you can locate a demolision company that uses wireless explosives to bring down buildings then I will concede the point.
  3. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    A couple more things. It would be nearly impossible, and I mean like a 99.99999999% chance that someone could wire a building with explosives and have a large passenger jet crash into it and expect to have the delicate & precise wiring remain intact enough to even set off one charge let alone...
  4. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Look you can think whatever you want about how and why the buildings were brought down. I'm going by what I saw in all the video that I watched and my experience from designing and building things out of wood, steel and concrete. I'm self taught and have always had a God given gift for...
  5. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    The building was mainly supported by the exterior, but if you removed any part of the interior I'm sure it would be weaken the structure some, but the main structural member was still the exterior. And I'm not ignoring building three. It was damaged by falling debris from twin tower collapse...
  6. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    More problems with your statements. Jet fuel wasn't the only thing burning. There was people, wood, paper, plastic, rubber and more. All of it in an enclosed area. And steel doesn't have to reach melting point to become pliable. I know this because I have played around with metal working and in...
  7. Handyman62

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Major flaw in saying they are the only three steel buildings that collapsed due to fire. Two obvious issues. One was the damage inflicted from the impacts. And two was that these buildings were the first buildings of this size that had the internal structure supported by the outer walls. They...
  8. Handyman62


    You're are absolutely right. It's obvious because these evil men/women couldn't be this organized and of one accord without getting their orders from one central figure.:devilish:
  9. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    Are you really that ignorant? Or are you paid to tow the party line?
  10. Handyman62

    Elon Responds to Alleged Attack on Pelosi Husband

    My thoughts exactly. Well Einstein I failed to see you use the word few or some or anything else that would differentiate your statement from meaning all Christians. But I tire of this game, so I will be moving on and you can have the last word.
  11. Handyman62

    What's With These People???

    Nowadays education without common sense is like driving a car without a brakes. Sooner or later you will end up crashing.
  12. Handyman62

    Elon Responds to Alleged Attack on Pelosi Husband

    I will quote what you said "but these days Christians are so desperate". You didn't say some Christians, and in that context it could only mean all Christians. But hey if you want to continue to walk it back then that's your choice.
  13. Handyman62

    Elon Responds to Alleged Attack on Pelosi Husband

    I'm glad to here you're Christian but whether you meant to or not you absolutely included all Christians in your statement. Perhaps in the future you will think twice before painting people with such a broad brush. I also suggest you remove the log from your eye before you comment on how I may...
  14. Handyman62

    Elon Responds to Alleged Attack on Pelosi Husband

    You did say all Christians. And you didn't confess to be one when I asked.
  15. Handyman62

    The plan to destroy America

    And who do you believe?
  16. Handyman62

    Elon Responds to Alleged Attack on Pelosi Husband

    Are you a Christian? If so then I assume you include yourself in your comment.
  17. Handyman62

    Ball Earth conundrums

    It must be the circular argument syndrome.
  18. Handyman62

    Is Joe Biden the most humble President ever?

    In my neck of the woods you can find houses for less than $100k. In fact in 2015 I bought a 6500 sq. ft. 13 bedroom house built in 2002 for $62k
  19. Handyman62

    Christians, Are you Praying about this Election?

    Lasers? No. Did you see the amount of steel and fiery debris coming down when the buildings collapsed? Need I say more? I'm not going to continue arguing about it. Anybody can twist anything into a conspiracy theory. It happens all the time and the internet is loaded with nut cases doing just...
  20. Handyman62

    Christians, Are you Praying about this Election?

    Just to be clear that there are some that believe the Government wired the Twin Towers with explosive charges then hijacked 2 jets and flew them into the buildings. And then at some point detonated those charges to bring them down. I hadn't seen the videos of the collapses in years so I went...