Search results

  1. Handyman62

    Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars Days After Gas Car Sales Ban

    There are potential problems with trying to use just solar panels and an inverter to power a house. Solar panels push the power they generate but can't have power pulled from them. They will work great up to the amount of power they are generating, but if more is needed then the power...
  2. Handyman62

    Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars Days After Gas Car Sales Ban

    If you are asking if you can use a gasoline generator then yes as long as you have an electric lockout installed on your breaker panel. I don't know if your solar panels or inverter will work with the generator. If you install a grid tie system then the inverter is designed to shut off when it...
  3. Handyman62

    Californians Told Not to Charge Electric Cars Days After Gas Car Sales Ban

    A lot of people who have put Solar panels on there roofs to power their house and back feed the grid don't find out their solar systems are useless during a grid power failure or rolling blackouts until after they experience one. Grid tie solar systems are designed to shut down when grid power...
  4. Handyman62

    About rules on Christian dating

    And have kids & then get divorced.
  5. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    Continuing to accuse people of being deceived is your biggest mistake. You really need to pull the log out of your eye and take a serious look at what's going on in your own heart. Jesus can help you with that. Anyway I'm moving on from this convo and will be joining the others who have lost...
  6. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    How you score on a cognitive or IQ test is not the true measure of intelligence in many cases, and boasting about yours doesn't impress me. Common sense is where the true measure of intelligence is and I don't see that in what you write.
  7. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    You having to "splain" to God is one thing we agree on.
  8. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    Are both of you my brethren? I haven't seen any fruit of that. I have seen a lot of misinformation from you, jaybo and a couple others on here. I can't judge your salvation, but I can judge your honesty and if you truly are Christians then "You got some splainin to do!!".
  9. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    You might as well put me on hide as I agree with Polar and both you and Jtb are trying to be deceivers but failing miserably at it. Most here are far more intelligent then the both of you put together and can smell the :poop: you both trying to shovel from a mile away.
  10. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    Ah yes, spinning the truth...just another form of lying.
  11. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    Yes it's more gooder.
  12. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    Voting for a Republican for the most part is a vote for the lesser of 2 evils. Some are better some are worse and some are as evil as the leftist. It doesn't make anything better when you have people who point to the right & the left and say there both equally evil and anyone who supports any...
  13. Handyman62

    Trump 24

    There are several on here that say the same thing and others that make blanket statements that can't be backed up. These people are sent here to try and disrupt the forums and sway weak minds. I personally have no interest in arguing with them and prefer to shake the dust off my shoes and move on.
  14. Handyman62

    Judge holds hearing on unsealing Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit

    Perhaps there will eventually be Lawsuits.
  15. Handyman62

    Judge holds hearing on unsealing Mar-a-Lago raid affidavit

    The first link you posted goes to a picture and no story. And your description of Trump stalling doesn't match the Fox news story. The way I see it Trump requesting an independent review makes a whole lot of...
  16. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    "slightly facetious" Or blatantly dishonest? Our food supply has been increasingly chemically laced for at least the last several decades. One side effect of that is the lowering of testosterone in men, another is the amount of fat that a lot of men accumulate as they age. It's all done in...
  17. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    Don't know where you came up with that, but given the :poop: you continue to harp on I would be more inclined to believe what he says over anything you tout. You've already proved yourself a liar with some of your outlandish statements of which I have grown tired of so on hide you go.:)
  18. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    With God given discernment it takes no time at all to see & hear the truth. With that discernment I have already eliminated those fake news sources and talking heads who didn't pass the smell test:poop:. In fact, I don't have cable, satellite or any other television service anymore and only...
  19. Handyman62

    Biden shuts down Amish Farm

    I use my eyes and mind. AND they tell me it's a lie to say that all those in media are liars. Yes most in the media are lying, but there are also many that are trying to get the truth out, and that includes many on the Fox news channel. Do they get it completely right every time? NO! because...