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  1. Seeker47

    Share some useful quotes for your/everyone's life!

    My Mom told me this once when I was complaining: "Sometimes you have to strap on an old tin beak and peck poop with the chickens." It has served me very well.
  2. Seeker47

    New here

    Welcome to CC Brandon, we are glad you are here.
  3. Seeker47

    Home bound.

    There are others here who understand your issues, that is one of the great things about CC. Welcome and dive in!
  4. Seeker47

    My Sweet Place

  5. Seeker47

    Return to Faith

    Welcome to CC and welcome back from your journey, we are especially happy that you are here and sharing your story with so much honesty and openness. Is not our Lord amazing!
  6. Seeker47


    In all the discussions of the origins of transgenders one rarely hears what is the main issue, power and control. The person seeks to control those around them and to force them to accept their view of reality. Perhaps that are weak willed or unable to cope, but when they totally change...
  7. Seeker47

    Hello from Seattle

    Hi Devin and a big welcome to CC. The one occasion I had to spend a little time in the NW was a great experience, it is a beautiful and wonderous land. Of course my favorite part was open fire roasted salmon and Clam Nectar!
  8. Seeker47

    Please share your testimony with me!

    It's difficult to relate a lifetime journey in a few words. I committed my life to Jesus when I was 7 and spent the next 30+ years running from Him. But The Hound of Heaven is relentless. God blessed me while still in sin by allowing me to marry my childhood sweetheart. As said in the bible...
  9. Seeker47

    Is it possible to sell your soul to the devil?

    When I was young and in college I was dirt poor. I paid my own expenses and had little left. This was a period of trying to run from my faith and explore all the world had to offer. Anyway, a fellow student offered me $50.00 if I would sign a paper that he owned my soul. I immediately said...
  10. Seeker47


    I too, would enjoy knowing more about your experiences.
  11. Seeker47


    I do not like to use a quote to prove a point but this passage does speak to the issue: Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without...
  12. Seeker47

    Discouraged but not defeated

    I really like your work. We have walked similar paths, I was just a little slower to learn. Anyway, you should have made a separate post, at least in my opinion. I have also tried to identify the fish, it looks like a salmon but is enormous!
  13. Seeker47

    Time to Die?

  14. Seeker47

    Time to Die?

    I have no idea if this is real or not. If it is real, something has gone terribly wrong somewhere. Either way I will pray for you.
  15. Seeker47

    Chapter to Chapter

    Welcome to CC CTC. My only comment....Yes...Yes...Yes...Yes...Yes...Yes... (In case you didn't know I agree totally.)
  16. Seeker47

    Time to Die?

    I think you got it!!!!!
  17. Seeker47

    Time to Die?

    It's a subtle message most of the time but it is there. There was a liberal media talking-head a couple of years ago who came right out and said life after 75 is a waste of resources. Blatant honesty is rare. There have been several TV commercials, one now running, telling us how to avoid...
  18. Seeker47

    Angels on a Pin

    Unconditional Election; Who is being fed? Pre-Trib/Post-Trib; Who has warm clothes? Dunking/Sprinkling/Emersion; Whose thirst has been quenched? Faith or Works; Who was invited in? Predestination/Free Will; Is the prisoner now free? One or a thousand, angels on a pin? Why is it so...
  19. Seeker47

    If you are transphobic or homophobic

    Liberal Democrats do!
  20. Seeker47

    Time to Die?

    I am really tired of this youth/body obsessed culture telling us seniors that we should just die now, that our life no longer has value. We should get it over with. Let me mention just a few things seasoned citizens contribute to your quality of life. We save thousands of youngsters from dying...