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  1. Seeker47

    Devotionals from Christians of the 18th and 19th Centuries

    What a novelty (is man), what a portent, what a chaos, what a mass of contradictions, what a prodigy! Judge of all things. A ridiculous earthworm who is nonetheless the repository of truth. A sink of contradiction and error. The glory and the scum of the world. A chaos suspended over an...
  2. Seeker47

    What Think Ye of Christ? by John Newton

    Looking forward to the thread.
  3. Seeker47

    Show Me Your Life Hacks!

    Turn off the TV. It's a waste of life and you don't need anyone else (especially them) in your head!
  4. Seeker47

    This is too funny!

    Oh....I feel so much better now!
  5. Seeker47

    Older New Member

    Welcome Roar....we need a lot more wisdom around here....;);););)
  6. Seeker47

    Waving Hello…

    Welcome to CC StandingTall. Your strength and faith is an inspiration to all of us.
  7. Seeker47


    Very nice work. I think there is a part of all of us that just wants to go home. C. S. Lewis makes the point that when we feel like we don't belong here, that is proof that we do belong somewhere else. You make the same point beautifully, perhaps a bit sadly.
  8. Seeker47

    PTSD Episode in Church Today

    My neighbor's donkey was braying yesterday too!
  9. Seeker47

    Hello \o/

    Hello and welcome to CC. I love your little emoji; I have not seen it before. \o/
  10. Seeker47

    Deliverence from Gaming Addiction

    If God measures success in numbers, we are nearly all utter failures wasting our time. Then, I recall a lost lamb. Welcome to CC. Fight the good fight!
  11. Seeker47

    Best Book to Teach HS Students

    I too found this book to be fascinating. Every one has an opinion about it but very few have actually read it! It is a good story and absolutely great writing. I was impressed with Stowes' ability to attack the institution of slavery without attacking all those who were involved in its practice.
  12. Seeker47

    Best Book to Teach HS Students

    You have ruined me for life....;);)
  13. Seeker47

    Best Book to Teach HS Students

    No I have not. Lately all my reading has been Christian History. Right now I am reading the history of the medieval Cathars. I do need to lighten up!
  14. Seeker47

    At what age do you kick your children out of the house?

    So, they are not only living free but someone else is doing all the cooking and cleaning? I fear there may be a schism in your family over this issue. If so, your issues are much more complicated. If not quit doing it all.
  15. Seeker47


    I am just kind of curious, what put you over the edge?
  16. Seeker47

    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    Please consider carefully what is at risk here. If you make a mistake, you are at minimum guaranteed a lifetime of problems and difficulties. Financial, emotional, social and even familial. But consider carefully; this not only potentially impacts you and your happiness, but if you guess...
  17. Seeker47

    My boyfriend cheated, what should I do ?

    He's a boyfriend. I assume there are no children. Run!
  18. Seeker47

    Best Book to Teach HS Students

    I was fascinated by Dickens' Tale of two Cities for both the plot and his ability to paint pictures with words. His description of the Dover Mail at the beginning got me hooked. Maybe when I was a little younger, The Yearling by Rawlings was a favorite. While I did not fully understand all...
  19. Seeker47

    Homosexual Brother In Law

    Your words: “Do I let it go, forgive and continue on with life as normal as if this never happened…” “this has revealed something worldly hidden In my marriage…” “the roles of marriage are all messed up…” “the quarrelsome/nagging wife…” “the marriage headship design…” “a wife who does not...