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  1. Lizzy

    Fountain of youth found, past age 50.

    I know. people are quitting left and right. I could probably make a lot more money in another profession, but I really like those nutty little kids. Tomorrow is my sub day back in the classroom. They asked me several times if I can sub any more days a week, but I can only give Wednesday. They...
  2. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    Maybe thats why God gave me my new job this year. This is the first time in 16 yrs I'm only teaching in a classroom one day a week, but I'm the new P.E. Coach of an elementary school the other 4 days and I love it!! We played indoor baseball with wiffle balls and it was soooo fun!!! I love to...
  3. Lizzy

    Anyone here have a happy marriage after adultery?

    You know, I cannot say that I've been thru this situation, but I can say that everybody deserves mercy, grace and love. What they choose to do with those gifts are their choice. My advice is to talk to people that you can trust and not to rush. Make a healthy choice. Whatever you choose to do...
  4. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    Such weird and funny stuff. I bet lots of moms have crazy stories.
  5. Lizzy

    Anyone here have a happy marriage after adultery?

    I think it's really, really horrible that you posted something like this. So many people, women and men have been so abused from the time they were little kids. Sometimes emotions and memories flare up in their lives. So, as a person grows up they want something better. They want to be happy...
  6. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    Have you ever gotten creative trying to make what you were craving?? That was weird too, but then I wanted what I wanted even more. And smells of stuff changed etc etc...weird and interesting. Kinda funny.
  7. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    Yes. And nothing will do except what we want to eat. Just weird to like foods during that time and not at all afterwards.
  8. Lizzy

    Fountain of youth found, past age 50.

    Very good. You need to do what works for you. You have to find how to stay healthy in the hobbies you like so you'll keep doing them. I played baseball in the gym with 7 classes of kids today. It was sooo fun. I love coaching.
  9. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    Yeah, I stay really busy and I do love my alone time, so both have been healing.
  10. Lizzy

    Fountain of youth found, past age 50.

    I like hearing about older people working out. Moving. Enjoying their life. I have been boxing for a long time and I love it. I don't have much time lately to go to the gym anymore since i accepted a job as a P.E Coach for an elementary school. I teach P.E. to Kinder-5th grade classes all day...
  11. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    Sorry! But at least it means more for everyone else. So actually, I'm doing the donut lovers of the world a favor!
  12. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    So are these Bismarks? I ate a million when I was pregnant. All other times in my life, I don't like donuts.
  13. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    Well maybe I would like grits since I like hominy. I put hominy in many mexican soups.
  14. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    Sometimes it feels like its been a long time, other days its fresh. Me and my girls call it our new normal. How will we deal with this or that in our new normal.
  15. Lizzy

    Men can you tell if another man is good-looking?

    It was funny when my girls and I had a talk about what I wanted in my future now being a widow for a few years, I said, "I want to be married again someday". They said, "Mom, then you've got to date." I just frowned and said ugh.
  16. Lizzy

    Men can you tell if another man is good-looking?

    I want to be with a person that I really like. Someone I would want to hang out with even if things didn't get serious. Just a really good person. And then we can see where it goes, but I definitely want someone I like hanging out with too. As far as looks, I do agree there are lots of things...
  17. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

  18. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    You should never marry anyone with a plan to change them. You love who you love. Nobody is perfect, but I know that someday I will marry someone perfect for me.
  19. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    I knew that after my husband passed away 7 years ago, i wouldn't even date a single man from my church. I felt like it just wasn't a thing for me considering they knew both me and my husband in the church for 25 years. I just didn't feel it was right for me.
  20. Lizzy

    Is There Not One Godly Man Left?

    So many people don't find a person that will value them because I think they don't value themselves. That's so sad that relationships have made so many people feel unworthy of something wonderful. Hopefully we can encourage each other to wait for that amazing person to come into their life.