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  1. Lizzy

    What are you listening to?

    I'm listening to 'River' sung by Leon Bridges............
  2. Lizzy

    A fun song i heard at church :)

    Really good song.
  3. Lizzy


    Thank you, my 4 daughters grew up doing this and I didn't care as long as they were clean and without holes.
  4. Lizzy

    Why is CCM so bland and boring?

    Im saying that Christian bands that rock aren't given the airplay that lots of other Christian groups get. Idk what station that would be that plays rock like Red, Demon Hunter etc. A lot of Christian stations just play 'family friendly' Christian music. Maybe if they did play more hard...
  5. Lizzy

    20 yr anniversary Sept.2001 memories

    Remember that, when people were holding hands and praying? I wish this country were like that again. I was cleaning the house and the TV was on. I saw the emergency news come on and sat down to watch as the second plane hit. I was stunned. I quickly called my cousin because i knew she works in...
  6. Lizzy

    Lost Your Remote?

    Found it in last years Christmas decorations.
  7. Lizzy

    Time to Die?

    Find a way to enjoy your life. There are so many great things, cool people, yummy food and good things out there.
  8. Lizzy

    Time to Die?

  9. Lizzy

    Time to Die?

    I agree with you that this culture doesn't value the wisdom that comes with age, but isn't it so funny how these teenagers practically worship musicians, celebrities etc that are old enough to have grandkids etc only because of their celebrity status? Shallow. Stupid. Ridiculous. Ugh what has...
  10. Lizzy

    Where is everyone from?

    Originally from Calif, now in the PNW, Hoping to move to Australia
  11. Lizzy

    Why is CCM so bland and boring?

    I know what you mean. It does kinda sound the same. So I either change stations when a song comes on that I'm not in the mood for or i just listen to my playlists. I love rock too so I have always listened to OC Supertones. I wish there were more groups Christian praise rock groups too. I've...
  12. Lizzy

    About forgive

    I appreciate that you said not to be judging people that are still in darkness, that still don't know the hope of Christ. It has always really bothered me how I've heard fellow Christians or anybody judging people and they don't even know them. They look at the outward. Maybe that is the exact...
  13. Lizzy

    Time to Die?

    I think its horrible if any youth has said something like that to you!! I think that everyone has something valuable to share, you just need to be with people that appreciate you and people that you have good relationships with. Most of my day is spent with kids k-5th grade (I teach and I...
  14. Lizzy

    Unsaved family members

    My family looks at me like I'm a ittle kid too and one of my brothers always says "Oh, you little Christian you." just to try and tease me to make me mad at him. Then he kisses the top of my head, says he loves me and goes back to his party lifestyle. I pray for my siblings, I talk to them about...
  15. Lizzy

    Men can you tell if another man is good-looking?

    I think one of the most attractive things about a man is his sense of humor and if hes kind and considerate. Also, its pretty dang cute when he's so humble about himself that he doesn't realize when women are obviously flirting. I like that. Its sweet.
  16. Lizzy

    It's Friday...Family Pizza Night...

    I don't like pizza, but as a family dinner every Friday night we had pizza bread. We raised our girls making it every Friday. We'd buy loaves of french bread, buy sauce and lots of toppings. Cut whatever size length of bread they wanted and made their pizza bread. it was and still is the best...
  17. Lizzy

    Should a Christian get a Tattoo?

    Well, I have lots of tattoos. The first ones I got were after I lost my parents. All of mine have deep meaning to my heart and I love them. I only have them where they show and many people compliment them. One , which is very lovely and meaningful is for my husband that passed away 7 years ago...
  18. Lizzy

    Estranged brother

    Its interesting that he would post something so personal as a mental illness on fb, Maybe this could be something you can pray about and sometime reach out to him and just offer to listen. I have 7 brothers, 5 still living and 6 sisters. We're siblings but we each have our own lives to live. Im...
  19. Lizzy

    Speak Your Mind.

    What did you guys think about the big win the Oregon State Beavers had over USC yesterday?? First win in 60 years ? Really exciting for those players.
  20. Lizzy

    Obedient Woman

    I appreciate what you wrote. I agree that 'weaker" doesn't mean less strong or of less value, but that it implies a man to be more sensitive to his wife emotionally. That should be easy if they honestly love each other and value them. You would never want to hurt the other person, or make them...