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  1. Seeker47

    NewUser but old guy

    I think we may need a "Liars Club" here. Were you ever a member? Eight or ten old retired men would gather every morning at McD's or at the mall, drink coffee and tell stories. The first story ALWAYS got topped by several more of dubious factuality. (I don't go to either place anymore so I...
  2. Seeker47

    would it have been better if

    You speak truth, we are being changed into the people God seeks, hopefully me too! But I also note the deep reverence you have for the objects of your profession. It reminds me of the reverence YHWH for his living creatures, even going so far as to enter into a covenant relationship with...
  3. Seeker47

    would it have been better if

    I don' know about others, but I refuse to accept a pessimistic view of either mankind or God. Walk through a grocery store and watch young mothers with their children. Watch men going to work trying to build something for future generations. Watch police officers going down dark alleys...
  4. Seeker47

    The trial of sorrows

    Sometimes we may have to "...fake it 'till we make it." You are right, God knows. He can see when we try to smile through the tears.
  5. Seeker47

    Remenissing About Days of Yore

    I was referring to "Processing Capabilities" :sick:
  6. Seeker47

    Remenissing About Days of Yore

    36 ears would have turned me inside-out! :confused:
  7. Seeker47

    Remenissing About Days of Yore

    When I was a youngster we would sneak away to the 'ol swimming hole. On the walk back home we would be hungry and would eat raw field corn. I was actually pretty good when it is young, but I learned the hard way not to eat more than one small ear!
  8. Seeker47

    New member (Northern Ireland)!

    Full version of Mountains of Mourne Pop version for the kids
  9. Seeker47

    New member (Northern Ireland)!

    Haunting...for a variety of reasons. Thank you for posting.
  10. Seeker47

    Isaiah 28:9-14

    I just finished reading the story of Nadab and Abihu. Those who claim to be in the service of YHWH need to be very careful, they will be held to a higher standard.
  11. Seeker47

    The Didache - early Christian condemnation of abortion etc.

    The Didache was as a teaching for early gentile Christians who were not versed in the First Testament, nor did they have a sense of Jewish history. They probably did need to be told.
  12. Seeker47


    Your words touched me.
  13. Seeker47

    The Mark of the Beast

    Would it not be great if satan would just come in his own name and announce that everyone had to receive a 666 tattoo?
  14. Seeker47

    Red Heifers

    I've read the Bible carefully and cannot find anywhere that a red heifer sacrifice or the use of the ashes are required for establishment of the temple. Am I missing something? I do find the red heifer sacrifice a surprising foreshadow of the real sacrifice Yeshua eventually made outside the camp.
  15. Seeker47

    Red Heifers

    I read that too but am unable to find a source for that statement. Maybe someone versed in the Talmud or Mishnah can clarify those remarks.
  16. Seeker47

    Red Heifers

    I understand that five red heifers that have been examined and found perfect by a group of Rabbis were recently flown from the US to Israel. They are yearlings and being held at an undisclosed location. I am curious to hear from other members about the significance of this event.
  17. Seeker47

    My Last Tear

    Yes, C.S. Lewis is worth the read. He has probably influence me more than any other author and I have read a ton. Many consider him the most influential writer of his century. Mere Christianity is perhaps his most influential work, The Chronicles of Narnia his most popular. My personal...
  18. Seeker47

    Which Way Is Up?

    I now realize I totally missed the point of your post and for that I apologize. If the contradiction is between Scripture and church doctrine I have little difficulty. If the contradiction is between two apparently different Scriptures, my first answer may make a little sense. If it is...
  19. Seeker47

    Which Way Is Up?

    Well, you can start with the books of Revelation and Daniel, but I don't think that is what you are asking. The one that jumps instantly to mind is Genesis 6: 3-4. I don't believe anyone understands those passages beyond speculation. The same is true of Exodus 23:19 (although there are lots...