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  1. Seeker47


    I live in Cornfield County; there just isn’t much that can be called inspirational around here. No wave strewn rocky coastlines, towering purple mountains, alabaster cities or ever green carpeted prairie stretching under the endless skies. We have to take our lessons where we can find them...
  2. Seeker47

    "The Anatomy...

    Outstanding post! I think your first paragraph is critical to understand our faith, and yet so little discussed or acknowledged. Little makes sense until we begin to grasp the knowledge that God is eternal. Without that knowledge we put him in little boxes that are nice and neat, but he will...
  3. Seeker47

    Any critique or speculation about the claims of this organization?

    I wish it were that simple. For the past 50 years the mental health people have been defining and re-defining "mental Health" and what requires professional treatment. There have been revision after revision of the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel) each expanding the definitions of...
  4. Seeker47

    Any critique or speculation about the claims of this organization?

    The very name, “Child Mind Institute” should scare everyone. To help those with mental illness is one thing but this name implies something much more sinister than just mental health services. They also support "Global Open Science" which is an international medical information sharing...
  5. Seeker47

    Softly, Softly

    It begins so softly, almost gentle, Coming from within. Vibrations, resonating in harmony, Strange, pleasant, enjoyable. People pause their work, pull over and stop, Looking for the source of soul’s vibration, Growing steadily stronger, beginning now To frighten in its surge. The vibration...
  6. Seeker47

    A closer look at the rights of public platforms to censor posts

    If you can sue Alex Jones for $4 trillion for harmful speech then surely Youtube and Facebook can be sued for well more than $4 trillion for suppressing speech based on unconstitutional requests from the US government and from phony Fact checking posts, claiming things that are true are in fact...
  7. Seeker47


    I think I am going to be sick.....:sick:
  8. Seeker47

    Something to ponder

    The greatest gift my wife ever gave me was allowing me to be her husband. It is a treasured and God honored title. Every young man needs to hear these words. Thank you for posting, it's a great message.
  9. Seeker47

    Was the Pharaoh of Exodus predestined for damnation?

    I try never to second guess God. Despite what some say, we do not know what is in a mans heart at the moment of death. Some very cruel things have been said by people who assure they speak for God.
  10. Seeker47

    Marks of Discipleship / AW Tozer

    I do not believe you can ever learn the truth by asking someone for theirs. Tozer's book "The Pursuit of Holiness" is short, too the point, and can even be read for free here: Read it, then decide. It's the only way to escape the hog-wash!
  11. Seeker47

    Marks of Discipleship / AW Tozer

    Thank you for posting these words of wisdom. I am a big fan of A.W. and have read much of his writings, they are always encouraging. (And ignore all the garbage)!
  12. Seeker47

    As Iron sharpens Iron

    Welcome Shauna. You are truly blessed to carry two of the greatest titles in the universe, Father and Husband, Bear both with honor.
  13. Seeker47

    Hunting and fishing

    This has been a great thread to read. I hunted as a child and we always ate what we shot. We also followed biblical instructions about handling the blood of the game we took. Fishing has been a life-long passion and again, we did not fish for animals we did not eat. Lev. 17:13 “‘Any...
  14. Seeker47

    At the cross

    Amen and Amen
  15. Seeker47

    Finally stopping by for a bit.

    Welcome to CC....stopping for a bit is a good thing, sometimes the best thing.
  16. Seeker47

    I'm new...and confused

    Welcome to CC jgalt. We have much in common....I'm old and confused!
  17. Seeker47

    Not a christian

    Your question is hard to answer with a "yes" or a "no". Baptism is about where you are and your willingness to accept. It's not about church or about you being perfect; you aren't. Baptism is of the spirit, it's about YOUR acceptance and acknowledgement of Yeshua as lord. It is the...
  18. Seeker47

    Not a christian

    My friend you posted on this site. That alone proves that you are not too far gone and that you are already on the path to redemption. Yeshua meets us where we are when we let him. You too are seeking, he gave that hope to both of us. Now when he speaks additional things to you trust and...
  19. Seeker47

    Not Sure Which is Worse

    There is one thing we can say for certain about these people....they need emergency player, and lots of it!