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  1. Krumbeard

    Tell me something interesting ....

    My sister and my friends wife have some white/gray hair. I think it looks really nice and I respect them for not dying it.
  2. Krumbeard

    So Just What IS Loneliness, Anyway? (Loneliness Defined.)

    I think you'd be even happier and feeling more blessed if you sent another half my way!😁
  3. Krumbeard

    How do you spend your time?

    Mmmm.....yum! Where's the butter? Hope the neighbors like it!
  4. Krumbeard

    So Just What IS Loneliness, Anyway? (Loneliness Defined.)

    And not just for loneliness. For so many other things also.
  5. Krumbeard

    So Just What IS Loneliness, Anyway? (Loneliness Defined.)

    I do also and it helps. And then I have to do it again. And then again. And again.....
  6. Krumbeard

    Favorite TV or Movie character quote/s (not a poll this time)

    No more rhymes now! I mean it! Anybody want a peanut?
  7. Krumbeard

    Ask the user below you a question

    Hurricane. My son was born at home during a hurricane. How many pairs of shoes do you have?
  8. Krumbeard

    We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

    We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19
  9. Krumbeard

    Last one to post here wins!

    This is a fun game, isn't it? 😁
  10. Krumbeard

    So Just What IS Loneliness, Anyway? (Loneliness Defined.)

    And Psalm 22 My God My God why have you forsaken me? That would be aweful!
  11. Krumbeard

    Guys, Would You Carry a Purse in Church?

    It goes with the territory.
  12. Krumbeard

    Ask the user below you a question

    Rarely watch YouTube, but would have to say probably Timothy Keller. Do you walk to work or carry your lunch?
  13. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Looks like you're the winner Poinsetta! Congratulations!
  14. Krumbeard

    So Just What IS Loneliness, Anyway? (Loneliness Defined.)

    Loneliness Loneliness! What is it? Why does it happen? How does it happen? I can't answer this. I know what some of the facets of it feel like. Surrounded by friends, family that truly love and care for you. But still feel lost. Longing for intimacy. That someone who knew you so well...gone...
  15. Krumbeard

    How do you spend your time?

  16. Krumbeard

    If the Serial Fornicator is More Forgiven and Accepted than the Divorced Person, Why Bother Risking Marriage?

    But it can be so hard sometimes. Especially when we are trying to hide our own sin and shine the light on someone else's.
  17. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Maybe we can all win!:)