Search results

  1. Krumbeard

    son moving out in a few months, so now what?

    Get a passport and go see the world. Go skydiving! I am seriously considering this. Hang gliding! It's expensive but I think this would be fun. And relaxing. Volunteer in something that interests you. Whether it be a hobby type interest or charity. You could try golfing. Or better yet, watch...
  2. Krumbeard

    Movies that sucked 2 hours from your life that you'll never get back

    "Field of Dreams" Ugh!! What a stupid movie! :poop:
  3. Krumbeard

    Do not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving...

    Do not anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
  4. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    So as a single dad, I think about remarrying, and I have a lot of thoughts/ideas about what that might look like and the problems that will aslo come along with that. I know that being/staying single presents its own set of problems, and that remarrying will have its own set of complications...
  5. Krumbeard

    Tell me something interesting ....

    "Taco cat" spelled backwards is "tac ocat".
  6. Krumbeard

    Thread Mash-ups

    Ask the user below you a question Isn't she lovely...
  7. Krumbeard

    Finding Hope in the Wilderness

    Great quotes! Thanks!
  8. Krumbeard

    Finding Hope in the Wilderness

    Now I have a reason to like coffee! Thanks! Awesome opening post. It's sometimes so easy to long to be free from from our troubles/ pain/suffering that we forget that God has a purpose for it. Honestly, it's hard for me to wholeheartedly offer myself to God and be willing to give my all to...
  9. Krumbeard

    You know you're getting old when.........

    When you start finding long straggly hairs on your ears or eyebrows.
  10. Krumbeard

    Why Positive News is Good For Your Health

    I used to listen to talk radio. I had to stop. After not listening to them I was a lot less depressed and less angry.
  11. Krumbeard

    A thought-provoking question..

    I wonder what that would taste like. Seems some of you might know already.:unsure::eek:
  12. Krumbeard

    How do we withstand Loneliness?

    I still feel lonely when I'm alone but I do enjoy some solitude. I have found that since my wife died I have read the bible and prayed more than ever before. Loneliness is tough but God does give us the grace to get through. As Paulnew said " One day at a time."
  13. Krumbeard

    Ask the user below you a question

    Treehouse. The view would be great. And thunder storms would be a lot more interesting! Beach, swamp or mountains? Why?
  14. Krumbeard

    You know you're getting old when.........

    When you remember your oldest niece being a few months old and now she is a close friend. She's 24 and I'm 42.o_O
  15. Krumbeard

    Is It True That You Either "Have It" or You Don't?

    I don't have it when it comes to painting either, or sports or drawing. There are things I wish I did have "it" for and was close to going forward with some plans to pursue one of those things but realized that along with physical limitations I can see others that do have "it" and I see that I...
  16. Krumbeard

    Christian Kids Videos (some corny) that you grew up with.

    I have no idea what Game of Thrones is. And I can honestly say that Sesame Street isn't on my to do list.:) Although I just recently watched the movie Unplanned. That was very interesting.