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  1. Krumbeard

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    We watch Ben-Hur around Easter. Have since I was a kid. Plus my mom always liked Charlton Heston. Until about 10 years ago she found out he had posed nude for something. Her reaction was too funny. 🤣
  2. Krumbeard

    Do you or have you watched silent films? Which ones? Did you like them? Would you go on a date to a silent film?

    Interesting title for a silent film. 🤔 I know what you mean though, they usually aren't silent. Lots of organ music. Sshhhh..... I can't hear the subtitles! 😂
  3. Krumbeard

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    Truth? That he was filthy rich?😁🤣🤪
  4. Krumbeard

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    How could I forget home alone? 🙂 And I've seen Pride and prejudice and Anne of Green gables a few times. So here's a question. Did she fall in love with Mr. Darcy before or after she saw his house/ mansion/castle? 🤔
  5. Krumbeard

    Do you or have you watched silent films? Which ones? Did you like them? Would you go on a date to a silent film?

    I have seen several in my life. I saw one called "The Ten Commandments". It was long and had two parts. The first part was a modern day story (back in the 20's or 30's) about living life for your own gain. The second part was about the ten commandments. Another one was "Phantom of the Opera"...
  6. Krumbeard

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    Definitely this one. The Princess Bride Das Boot Dumb and dumber Spitfire Grill You've got mail Shooter Christmas Vacation White Christmas
  7. Krumbeard

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged...

    Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
  8. Krumbeard

    A conversation about nothing in particular

    How big should you let dust bunnies get before you release them back into the wild?
  9. Krumbeard

    Let's Daydream A Little...

    It would be nice if someday I would have the privilege of my wife saying something along the lines of what this woman said about her husband.
  10. Krumbeard

    Ask the user below you a question

    Elf. If you had to lose one of your senses, which would it be? Why?
  11. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    You make some good points. I am told if you want to catch a fish you have to go fishing. I don't like comparing fish to women but I know what they mean.
  12. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    Thanks for your thoughts and especially your prayers.
  13. Krumbeard


  14. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    Mermaid, thanks for your input. Interesting to hear your background. I have a cousin whose mom died when we were babies. Her dad remarried and they had a daughter together. My cousin felt she couldn't be loved by her stepmother. There is definitely that aspect. Your personal experience gives...
  15. Krumbeard

    Tell me something interesting ....

    We live outside town. But most times when we drive into town, the first house on the right, there is usually a man and woman sitting in the porch. In the mornings it seems they are having coffee together. In the evening after work it looks like they are having a beer together. But what impressed...
  16. Krumbeard

    You know you're getting old when.........

    When you take your kids hiking to a beautiful rocky overlook with some pretty high drop offs and it makes you nervous to get near the edge. As you see your kids walking to the edge you hrab their coats and pull them back. It makes me sick in the stomach. But 20 years ago I would walk right up...
  17. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    Thanks tourist. I am glad that God used your low and "down and out" state for your good and more importantly His. I am also a widower. I had been using a chat app, that my daughter and I used to text, and was looking to connect to others on there but it was not Christian and was discouraging...
  18. Krumbeard

    Wondering what your thoughts are

    Thanks. We were married 14years. I understand that baggage needs to be dealt with. That was something we learned. And forgiveness was/is huge. Thanks for your thoughts.
  19. Krumbeard

    Movies that sucked 2 hours from your life that you'll never get back

    "It's okay, Honey. I was just talking to the cornfield." That's a funny quote! Seems like something I would say.