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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    I think this is an interesting study if someone has the time. It is related to this discussion too. The Textual Problem in 1 John 5:7-8
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    Wow.:eek: I thought I was informing you through my shirt time of observations. LOL Fiiiine. :LOL::p
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Amen. Interestingly, the human body is 3/4th's water. And as an aside, 3/4th's, three-quarters, of the Earth is covered by water. i think that's pretty nifty.:)
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    You'll notice the emphasis is of water and of spirit to be born again. Which makes sense when we know we were born of water and spiritually dead the first time. The reflection upon that birth and the regeneration that occurs when we are saved by faith through the grace of God, not of ourselves...
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    There's deep conflict afoot. It's unfortunate. One such thing entered a discussion here and carried on for many a page. When realizing he was being ignored another took his place and starting where he left off. This appears to occur in many different discussions. Even this one and long hours...
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    Appareny it needs to be said. You quoted my post and then said in reference to my observations of the scripture a counter to those. A counter in which you stated God cannot lie.... Nothing in my post that you quoted, either by implication or your inference, would have permitted such an...
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    Holocaust Remembrance Day, Why?

    You're referring to the last supper. Jesus said to eat this in remberance of me. And they ate then and there. He did not say repeat this rite in rememberance of him. Those in Christ are indwelt by Christ's Holy Spirit. We need not repeatedly consume and remember the flesh and blood of the...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    It is science. Womb water, Amniotic Flyid, is 98% water. It is inhaled and swallowed by the baby during gestation and has everything to do with human development. The other 2% of Amniotic Fluid is comprised of fetal cells, proteins, elecyrolytes, etc... And it also changes in composition as...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    I think if we believe baptism with water is mandatory to secure our Salvation, we're then ignoring the teaching that we are saved by faith through God's grace. I think if we believe baptism saves then John the Baptizer in John 1 was saving people, including Jesus himself when Jesus was baptized...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Womb fluid is 98% water. That part in Revelation 22 is referring to John's book of Revelation. Because at the time it was penned by him there was no published bible with new testament.
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    Truth or Traditions of men

    I was attending a service at the church of my cousin last summer. It was a unique experience for me. I knew that when there was a whiteboard in the pulpit. The pastor ran the sermon period like a Bible study. It was fantastic. At the close of the service she broughtup the verse in your post...
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    Is the bible the word of God or God’s word the bible?

    What version is that taken from?
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    I agree exercise is great for putting someone into sleep mode. Natrol brand strawberry flavored Melatonin melts work for me. I let them melt under my tongue. If I know I can't sleep right away I take them about a hour before bed. Valerian root is good too. But I hear it can cause depression if...
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    I don't think we can ever underestimate the money factor behind all this. Haven't the rich always profited off the backs of the poor?
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    electric cars

    I stick with my gasoline powered car. I maintain it very well. That should insure it's environmentally friendly. I imagine electric car repairs wouldn't be cheap. Some are led to think they help reduce a person's carbon footprint. What a phrase. We are carbon. :LOL: Or that it helps save the...
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    I'm new.

    I'm new too. Welcome Jerry.
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    My wife is having a breakdown

    I know someone with a Colostomy bag. It isn't that easy to change by oneself. If they don't align the bag opening correctly, they'll mess all over themselves the first movement they have. Did you both agree to assume the duty of this care? Did anyone make you aware of what this entailed...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    We are born of water from the womb. 1Peter 3 isn't telling us baptism saves.
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    From before the foundation of the world. 1 Peter 1:20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest in the last times for the sake of you.