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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Jesus was referring to the old testament scrolls. Which is problematic for any Christian who claims any traditions held sacred now, such as rest and doing God's work on Sabbath, doesn't apply to us because it's old testament and therefore of the Jews.
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Deception. Truth. Ignorance precludes knowing the difference.
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Evil is synonymous with wrong behavior. Good, with right,righteous behavior. Adam and Eve were both deceived by the serpent. Being they encountered the serpent in close proximity to one another. The serpent obviously already knew about God's rule about that tree. Adam and Eve were not aware of...
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    It does mean they didnt know how to make an informed choice as pertains to obedience because they not conscious of the concepts relating to consequence , alternatives and consent.
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    This verse doesn't support your statement before it. Hearing comes from paying attention. John 6:45 - It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. hearing and learning. No, hearing not is internal...
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    True. The answers sought are maybe why we join forums.
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    Elon Musk Buys Twitter

    Maybe not? Yesterdays news. Elon Musk says Twitter deal is on hold, putting bid on shaky ground The Tesla chief executive later said he is ‘still committed’ and a person familiar with the talks said they are ongoing.
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    If that's how you read it. We are actually saved by grace through faith. Both, an irrevocable gift of God. Not of ourselves that anyone might boast.
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    They didnt know right from wrong. They were also created in the image and likeness of God.God is a spirit. Their fall was what made them mortal and able to die in the flesh.
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    It's easy to look up in a search engine . "Baptism outward sign inner grace". It's Biblical. If one thinks biblical means it has to appear word for word, any idea, teaching, ideology, foctrine, they may want to close their bibles and read some other piece of literature. God isn't found in...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    1 Peter 3:21 is close enough. There are some who insist baptism saves. That's not Biblical but there are those who are sticklers to that notion and insist it is.
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    Truth or Traditions of men

    I don't recall any such woman.
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    Truth or Traditions of men

    Inviting to touch. But I don't see it recorded they did touch him. He entered a locked room. Human flesh and blood does not. If we say he wasn't human flesh and blood then we revoke the idea he was a man as he was prior to crucifixion.
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    Truth or Traditions of men

    I dont think the 1 John verse is describing touching Jesus glorified body. Jesus told Mary she couldn't touch him. I don't think that would change because and for the same reason Mary couldn't touch him.
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Or their what they're labled to be, emissaries. I think they fell before creation Genesis 1. That's why the serpent was in Eden .
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    I don't know about repentance but Lucifer-Satan returned to heaven to confer with God about Job. And he followed the other son's of God into God's presence .
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    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    The tree of life was in Eden too. Eternal life. But if death comes by sin, weren't Adam and Eve immortal in the beginning? What if they'd of eaten of the tree of life first before the tree of knowledge?