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  1. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Maybe it's just me however,it appears #17 revokes any implication that water baptism is compulsory else one is not true in Christ and saved.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    Newborn souls from God are damned at birth? I don't believe we can remove God as the means of birth. We are moving off topic again and in the same line of conflict. Let's stop .
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    The wicked! Not the innocent newborn who are not born able to speak words, much less evil. Matthew 18.
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    I never said God lied. Please don't accuse me of something I did not do. Thank you.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    Good references. Jesus said we must become like little children to see his kingdom. For that kingdom belongs to such as these. If we're destined to Hell as newborns, it would be a strange thing to call Jesus our Salvation after he told us we adults hearing his message must enter that...
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    God cannot be killed. The sin of the betrayers, the Sanhedrin, was such as they'd wish they'd never been born. While Jesus' death and resurrection unto the continuation of his ministry for another 40 days demonstrated to all who saw him the truth of his good news of eternal life. Both in and...
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    Jesus laying down His life vs. Him being murdered

    Both, I think. Certainly the Sanhedrins purpose was to have him murdered by Rome rather than their own hand just before Passover. Jesus also laid his life down with purpose because it was the will of the father and the purpose for which he was prophesied in the old testament and conceived per...
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    Migrating to a new country!

    Iceland is intriguing. It too is a Constitutional Republic and multi-political party system. Though I'd have to see if Babbel or Rosetta Stone offer a coarse on Icelandic language.
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    What do we do with postbiblical revelation? Does God still speak to us today? Yes! :love::giggle:
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    What do we do with postbiblical revelation?

    God speaks to us every day. Imagine if we dared put limits on God because man believes it right to declare their authority to do so.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    I will close this threads piece of hunting ground by rebuking the derail with one of my favorite verses. Recollected whenever I encounter the enemy. It gives perspective and strengthens me with the fortification that my Lord Jesus blesses me with, as his sacred breath fortified himself during...
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    Darkness cannot comprehend light. David's father was Jesse. His mother was Nitzevet. David's statement regarding his conception is personal, not universal.
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    May I suggest we who are in the body of our Lord here take a moment to consider this wisdom? From The Songs of King David, Psalm 1:1 blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! Source...
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    By now I believe every reader of your postings are well aware of what you believe. Now, if we could all move forward and discuss this topic civily I believe that would be a good thing for all concerned with Christian community and respect one for another.
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    Why So Many Different Christian Views?

    Maybe what helps in a discussion about the scriptures is to remember God is the word first. Jesus was that word made flesh. And the bible, has always been at the hands of man. Don't make an idol of it.
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    Holocaust Remembrance Day, Why?

    I think if there is cause to remember, I don't think it should be myopic. Many different nationalities, faiths, people were victims of the Holocaust. For my part I don't recognize 9-11 Rememberance Day, Kennedy's Assassination Day, or any other. I think it only serves to corrupt that new...
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    I think the responsible thing to do is commit to the research one fosters upon others. "Office for National Statistics" The Office for National Statistics is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics...
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    CIA false flags in Ukraine

    I don't think America invests in this without a huge payback. Our government is not altruistic .