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    andrew wommack

    I know Hagin's history. Yes, we will disagree that an anointed pastor carves out the history Hagin has and does. I don't listen to any WoF preachers. Nor any televised pastors.
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    andrew wommack Is the Word of Faith movement biblical? (from part way down the page) The Word of Faith movement grew out of the Pentecostal movement in the late 20th century. Its founder was E. W. Kenyon, who studied the metaphysical New Thought teachings of...
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    No, it's not wrong. We're saved and still human. It takes time to come to patience between the times we pray for God to work out something in our lives, and his actual plans for our lives. Sometimes they coincide. Sometimes not. Be patient. Don't beat yourself up for being frustrated. It's...
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    andrew wommack

    Incorrect. I never put down one of God's annointed with my indictment of Kenneth Hagin. James 3:1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
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    andrew wommack

    Bart Ehrman is not a preacher.
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    andrew wommack

    Hagin is all bad . The Crouches? Yikes. Since the senior couple are both dead now, I would think it is better for those interested in their reputation to seek it out for themselves. A good search term that promises to keep the curious very busy is, crouch ministry scandals.
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    andrew wommack

    Which is why discussing these men does warn others in general. Their true believers will find out in due time the falsity of these men and women too.
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    I always doubt anyone who gives a date of the second coming. No one knows, not rven the son of man.Only God. For me, that settles it.
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    andrew wommack

    I think frauds can never be trusted to know God's word. Especially when claiming sickness is of Satan. What? That means indwelt Christians holy spirit were overcome by Satan's will to make them sick? No.
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    Hi people, back.🙃 Welcome.❤️🌈🦋
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    andrew wommack

    This supposedly happened in 1934. When I read of it here I thought of Saul being blinded at the beginning of his conversion and then healed by one of God's people. Only Hagin claimed to be paralized. ken hagin healed&pc=MOZB&form=MOZMBA Havin...
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    Praying for Satan. Can we? Should we?

    God cursed the serpent in Eden to crawl on his belly forever. But that's how he moved in the first place being a snake created by God. Is there evidence the snake was Satan? Because if Satan was cursed to be a slithering snake forever, how did he re-enter heaven from time to time along with the...
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    How's your day been?

    One more reason to go Vegan. LOL!
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    Children’s Risk of Death Increases by 5100% Following Covid-19 Vaccination Compared to Unvaccinated Children According to Official ONS Data

    Money! The ultimate motivation for soulless corporations. Cigarette companies know their product causes Johnson and Johnson, "a family company", continued to produce their talcum baby powder knowing its potential to cause...
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    How's your day been?

    I don't think I could eat that. Everything about that fish carries a message, warning! Do not attempt to chew! 🤪😆
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    How's your day been?

    👀Why do I picture a row of landing lights right down the center? 😆
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    How's your day been?

    😀Yay! A dance partner. Can't help but smile watching her little dance.
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    How's your day been?

    Awesome! It's my day off work. Happy dance
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    Confidence is Attractive?

    Competence and confidence are attractive. They're characteristics of a strong person who is self assured and independent in as much as they are not prone to playing the victim to life's challenges.
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    The One Word That Can Shred Your Family to Pieces

    Maybe. If that was the case, my prior hypothetical, the prayer leader may have been trying to gain prayerful support for that personal relationship matter as well as get the attention of a spouse that may otherwise be in denial.