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  1. Krumbeard


    Off topic to OP...but to those who want to point out the dates and declare this outdated or dead thread. The topic is still an issue. This thread did not stop this issue. Granted, the original posters are not here anymore but this topic is still relevant! I actually find reading the old...
  2. Krumbeard

    Falling In Love Vs. Falling into Pain -- Is There a Difference?

    Sadly for some, the pain is the pleasure and is accompanied by much humiliation, embarrassment, utter shame and isolation. They feel like a freak because of it.
  3. Krumbeard

    The Chat Thread

    Most weekends I end up catching up on the chores I didn't have time to do during the week. Hope you enjoy your weekend anyway.
  4. Krumbeard

    The Chat Thread

    This weekend has been a fun weekend. Yesterday I took off work and went to an organization that I am a member at. I met up with friends I haven't seen in months or even a year. Got to play with some steam trains and and other antique equipment. Today I was doing some repairs to my brother's...
  5. Krumbeard

    Gold stars for the church

    My personal experience with my current church is that when my wife was in the hospital one or both of the pastors was in the hospital with me the whole time Iwas there. I didn't attend that church then. There was tension between myself and some of her family. I was waiting for one of the pastors...
  6. Krumbeard

    Falling In Love Vs. Falling into Pain -- Is There a Difference?

    This! What she said! This is what I was thinking only laughingheart says it 100 times better. Also, cinder makes a very good point!
  7. Krumbeard

    Time Well Spent

    I should spend less time eating and more time walking/running. I should spend less time online and more time fixing up my house. And I have been convicted the last several months about spending more time with my kids, as I only have their childhood once. That is a thing that goes by so quickly...
  8. Krumbeard

    Where Did the Saying "God is Preparing Just the Right Person for You!" Come From Anyway?

    I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever had someone say that to me. If someone told me that now, I'd be quick to let them know that marriage is not a promise for me in the Bible. I cannot remember if I ever told someone that and if I did, I was wrong. I definitely would not tell...
  9. Krumbeard

    What Would You Say to a Young Person Who Asks You, "Does True Love Really Exist?"

    This is from someone I went to school with. She posted this sometime ago. I had to screenshot it cause it was so good.
  10. Krumbeard

    Shower Thoughts

    My thoughts in the shower...I really should take the shower head apart and clean the dirt particles out of the nozzles. I tend to think when I'm working and I lose my focus on what I am doing. Or when I'm driving. sometimes at work I will write some notes of my thoughts for later...
  11. Krumbeard

    HOLDAYS ARE PAGAN!!! thread

    I had a conversation with someone once that told me all the days of the week were pagan as well as the holidays. I was told when I pick up a gift from under the Christmas tree that I am bowing to and worshipping the tree. Eventually they freaked on me because of something I believed that they...
  12. Krumbeard

    Have you ever imagined...

    Mike, excellent question! Yes. In the last several years this has been a growing thought in my mind. I believe it will transform the way a person livesonce it gets to their heart/soul. "To live is Christ, to die is gain" Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. Again, excellent point!
  13. Krumbeard

    What Would You Say to a Young Person Who Asks You, "Does True Love Really Exist?"

    I'd say yes it does. But it doesn't look like what is portrayed in movies or media. There will be hurt. I was talking to my niece several weeks ago. She says to me "I think if you want to be loved, you have to be willing to get hurt." I thought that was interesting.
  14. Krumbeard


    @Lanolin, You confuse me!
  15. Krumbeard


    In another thread someone pronounced "pajamas" as "pyjamas".
  16. Krumbeard

    problems with sexual temptation, if someone is able to help me!!!

    This is great information! Thanks for putting it out there!
  17. Krumbeard

    Help for the soul

    Hi Pipp, One of my top verses is Romans 8:35-39 That you quoted above. So powerful! Also, when I get discouraged because of all the ways that I have failed and sinned in my life, Psalms 103 is a comfort to me. Interestingly enough, I was meeting with my pastor last night and he read me a...
  18. Krumbeard

    I bet you've never....

    When I was 12 my dad let me back up his car. He was standing beside me and was motioning for me to back up. when he motioned to stop. I firmly stepped on the brakes. Except that it was not the brakes. I pushed the throttle to the floor and ran into him. His knees were messed up for a while...