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  1. Krumbeard

    How transparent are you?

    Well I looked in the mirror this morning and saw right through myself and could see the wall behind me. :) Seriously, I try to be transparent. I sometimes think that I tend to put out what I think my faults are more so I don't present a better picture of what I think I am. But as in another...
  2. Krumbeard

    Some thoughts about Hugs!

    I didn't really think much about hugs when I was younger. But as I age and have had my moments in life, I think more about hugs than I used to and what they mean or express. I know there can be a weird side to everything so I'm sure some have had weird, gross or creepy hug experiences. As...
  3. Krumbeard

    Would you marry you?

    Hi Artsie, Interesting thread! My first reaction to this was "No! Absolutely not! " I was thinking of all the things wrong with me that need work. But as you said, that is a lot of self criticism. So I started thinking about the other side of things. I have 5 young people that love me and are...
  4. Krumbeard

    Facial hair! What do you think?

    How did you find my picture? 😁
  5. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    Okay, let me give this a try. I've often considered myself a coward. And in some ways this has protected me from making decisions that would have been harmful to me. But as a believer I am not to have a spirit of timidity but of boldness. And we are assured that life in this world will be filled...
  6. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    It's a hard thing to least for me.
  7. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    Yes I hear you. So true. So since this is a question thread... Where do you say your identity lies? And Where does your identity actually lie? Just something to think about.
  8. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    YES!! Exactly those kind of questions! We have a winner! And sometimes as we men try to figure out what was just asked, we exceed the unspoken allotted amount of time and it's over. We don't love her! 😬🤪😁
  9. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    (Blowing raspberries! )😁😆
  10. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    When I used to run a service truck, I'd get back to the shop and my boss would say "you're back?" I started to reply "no".
  11. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Oh Susanna, don't you cry for me cause I'm home from lousiana with a trophy in my hand.
  12. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!! win! Great job! Go celebrate at Dairy queen! But hurry, they close in a few minutes! 😁
  13. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    I'm guessing my invitation got lost?🙂
  14. Krumbeard

    Last person to post wins!!!

    Yup! Winning just came back to me!
  15. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    Ask her to set you up with them!🤪 Sometimes you have to be direct with people...not always easy.
  16. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    Haha! Yeah, we used to ask my mom that when we were kids when we could obviously see what she was doing. Her usual reply was "pickin' strawberries ". Now my kids to it to me. 🤣
  17. Krumbeard

    Been thinking...(Don't mind the smoke)

    When I was a kid our tv got broken by some rowdy kids and my parents didn't replace it for 6 or 8 years. We used to listen to request time on the Christian station and on Saturday mornings we'd listen to Ranger Bill.
  18. Krumbeard

    Been thinking...(Don't mind the smoke)

    I might get rid of the tv as I rarely use it anymore...but the microwave...hmmm. I might have to consider that and a dorm fridge. Thanks for the suggestions! 🙂
  19. Krumbeard

    Been thinking...(Don't mind the smoke)

    Thanks for your thoughts Dino! And here is a trophy for your participation in this thread!😀 Sadly we can turn most anything into an idol, good or bad.
  20. Krumbeard

    Krazy Kwestions

    Wellll....Trying to speak between laughs...Did you hurt yourself? Are you okay? I'd like to help but I'm heading up and obviously you're headed down. 😬🤪😝 Did this really happen?