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  1. SkittlePumpkin

    The CC Awards

    I basically just woke up but that's really the only time my hair is down sooo...
  2. SkittlePumpkin

    That awkward moment when

    Alright, it's time to have a big awkward party and share those really awkward, embarrassing moments that made you want to facepalm yourself so hard that it would literally obliterate you into a million pieces! I could have oh so many of these, but this is one moment in particular that stands...
  3. SkittlePumpkin


    You're all invited to my potluck because you're all so lovely :) What kind of scrumptious goody will you bring? I will bring delicious rainbow cupcakes :D I actually did make these XD
  4. SkittlePumpkin

    Two of two new songs I recorded :D

    Just a little something I wrote the other day :)
  5. SkittlePumpkin

    One of two new songs I recorded :D

    Well, this first song actually isn't new; I wrote it about seven years ago and completely forgot about it until a couple days ago when I dug it out of a box of old stuff. I thought it seemed rather fitting in light of recent events.
  6. SkittlePumpkin

    Throwback Photos!

    My cousin shared this with me on Facebook...I don't even know where she got this old photo XD Don't even know how old we were. Then there's us last Christmas :)
  7. SkittlePumpkin

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    I dyed my hair :)
  8. SkittlePumpkin

    Do you have favorite animals !!

    I have two favourite animals :)
  9. SkittlePumpkin

    The Hard Choice

    A common thing I hear people say about Christianity is that they're "glad we believe in something and that it makes us happy". I have to be quite honest in saying that I find this almost a little insulting. The decision to follow Christ is not an easy one, and it is surely the most costly. It is...
  10. SkittlePumpkin

    An untitled poem of praise

    So I was just looking through some old, old boxes and found this poem I wrote a long time ago for an English assignment that I completely forgot about! Enjoy :) My God, my God, you deserve all my praise, You who created all the beauty on Earth. My voice will sing, and my hands be raised...
  11. SkittlePumpkin


    So I see a lot of posts online about how cell phones are so bad and we're all so addicted to them (all of which have been viewed on my cell :cool:) and I have to say that I'm getting kinda tired of it. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who are quite literally addicted to their phone...
  12. SkittlePumpkin


    Yesterday I posted a blog that said this: If a Christian tells you they will pray/have been praying for you, don't just shrug it off with a "whatever" mentality. Prayer is a very beautiful, powerful thing. Embedded within the very core of prayer is love; if someone is taking the time to pray...
  13. SkittlePumpkin


    If a Christian tells you they will pray/have been praying for you, don't just shrug it off with a "whatever" mentality. Prayer is a very beautiful, powerful thing. Embedded within the very core of prayer is love; if someone is taking the time to pray for you, they genuinely care about you. ;)
  14. SkittlePumpkin

    Weird Things Said To Pastors

    Someone shared this on FaceBook, and I found it amusing. So I thought I'd share it with y'all :) 25 Really Weird Things Said to Pastors and Other Church Leaders
  15. SkittlePumpkin

    Throwback Photos!

    Six years old...wish I had this sweater in grown-up size.
  16. SkittlePumpkin

    A Quote You Like

    Someone shared this on FB the other day
  17. SkittlePumpkin

    Ever see a really good thread in the singles forum and...

    You really wanna join in on the topic, but you know they'll see you aren't single, and they'll be like
  18. SkittlePumpkin

    How do you feel now?

    Apparently it doesn't only happen in real life; it can happen online, too. :/
  19. SkittlePumpkin

    Cuteness OVERLOAdz!!!!

    My sister's kittens :)
  20. SkittlePumpkin

    Funny Cat Pictures

    Gets me every time.