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  1. SkittlePumpkin

    It's my CC-versary. Party on.

    As of today, I have been on CC for one year. The day I joined was one of the absolute worst days I've ever experienced in terms of my anxiety/depression. I'm pretty sure I spent the majority of that night weeping uncontrollably for no reason. I am pleased to say that, this same day one year...
  2. SkittlePumpkin

    Skittlepumpkin: Making dorky things kinda cute since just now.

    Also, when I draw chibis they usually turn out pretty freaky-looking. Except these two. These two turned out alright :) (edit: actually, after another look, Poopy's not alright. Poopy's pretty freaky-looking.)
  3. SkittlePumpkin

    Skittlepumpkin: Making dorky things kinda cute since just now.

    So my dad's getting married this weekend and he asked if I could sing a song of his choosing. Right away, I was sure of two things: 1. The song he chose would be from the '60s/'70s 2. The song he chose would be incredibly dorky. Sure enough, I was right on both counts. The song is called Love...
  4. SkittlePumpkin


    So the other day on Facebook, my dad shared the following post: "HEY! You "Christian" girls showing off your half naked bodies, way more than necessary, and getting MEN commenting and liking and oogling over you...STOP!!!!! Frankly it's embarrassing!!!! I am not about to excuse it and tell...
  5. SkittlePumpkin

    it's my baptiversary!

    Nine years ago today, koalateaharmony and I were baptized in a river together! Such a joyous, special day! :D <3
  6. SkittlePumpkin

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    My husband and I celebrated our seventh anniversary today :D
  7. SkittlePumpkin

    Pokemon Go

    Can you guess what my least favourite Pokemon in existence is
  8. SkittlePumpkin

    If CC was a dating site...

    If I was single and this was a dating site, I wouldn't do anything. I would just wait for all the boys to flock to me. And they would, due to all the effervescence and charm I naturally exude.
  9. SkittlePumpkin

    Is age REALLY just a number

    So today is senior's day at my work, and I cannot tell you how many people have been grossly offended by my asking if they qualify for the discount. First of all, the senior's discount age here is pretty young; it's only fifty-five. Now, this has got me to thinking; people (women especially)...
  10. SkittlePumpkin

    Wonderful wildlife: Birds and bees

    Another beautiful shot my dad took the other day! :)
  11. SkittlePumpkin

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    Well, I was having a nice, relaxing day. And then I got called in to work. This is my so-excited-to-work-on-my-one-day-off-before-a-nine-day-work-run face.
  12. SkittlePumpkin

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    Got halfway to church this morning then found out service was canceled! So I went to the park and read some Bible chapters :D
  13. SkittlePumpkin

    Wonderful wildlife: Birds and bees

    Here are a few of my favourites from my dad's photography :)
  14. SkittlePumpkin

    Happy Canada Day!

    To all my fellow Canadianites :D
  15. SkittlePumpkin

    ain't no one tryna tell me God's got no sense of humour

    So I posted this on Facebook the other day; wanted to share it here, too :) I swear, I've read this passage a thousand times before and never noticed now awesome it is :p Oh, Jesus...gotta love Him :D What Bible passages have you read that have made you literally LOL?
  16. SkittlePumpkin


    Truth :)
  17. SkittlePumpkin

    What did you do today? (PICTURES)

    Thanks everyone :D Today I'm having fun hangouts with my sister and koalateaharmony :D
  18. SkittlePumpkin

    I am

    I am so many lovely things :D Edit: Just noticed mailmandan posted the same thing :P
  19. SkittlePumpkin

    hello all you shiny happy people

    Goodness me, I feel I've not been here in a million years! I wanted to share an excerpt from my devotional this morning. Be blessed and encouraged, my friends :) "When fear tries to grab hold of me God doesn’t say, Come on now! Be brave! He doesn’t demand, you stop being so afraid! Haven’t I...
  20. SkittlePumpkin

    Things Get Better

    Everything will be okay. not because I decided it would be; because God said it would be :o