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  1. Clayman

    Will the rapture/return of Christ happen in the next decade?

    All I know is that there is an appointed day, and while we dont know the exact day, we can look at the red sky in the morning and say its going to rain, Also with every decade that goes by it means we are at least a decade closer to that day, So odds are we are more likely to guess correctly...
  2. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Im not from the states but I hear tell some southern states havnt read Leviticus
  3. Clayman

    In your opinion do you believe world is about 6000 years old

    Ive never had a problem thinking Cain married his sister, in fact I often wonder how many children Adam and Eve had, thinking that there life span was 10 times ours, I presume they were in their physical prime from age 20 to 400 how many kids would they chuck out? plus they would be great...
  4. Clayman

    Do Satan and his angels still have access to heaven?

    I have a habit of paraphrasing just to show my view, ill give some verses I was thinking of that I got my basic points from... Rev_12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having...
  5. Clayman

    Do Satan and his angels still have access to heaven?

    I think the angels were told they had to torment men for a short amount of time say until the end of the 70 weeks of Daniel and when the Lord went to cast some out, they said are you casting us out before the allotted(my paraphrase) time is up, (shows they did not understand the Church age for...
  6. Clayman

    Do Satan and his angels still have access to heaven?

    Ive heard this from numerous people, I think what they are saying is this, in the book of Job which is placed chronologically before a lot of events in the book of Genesis we know Satan had access to heaven, and therefore it proves he has access now, The problem I have with this logic is that I...
  7. Clayman

    Do Satan and his angels still have access to heaven?

    I think LeeLoving has a point, To me Revelation 12 is a vision that shows past events that also relate to future events, it shows the first advent of Christ which is a past event. The question itself already assumes the angels have fallen, I mean if they are still good angels and havnt sinned...
  8. Clayman

    Do Satan and his angels still have access to heaven?

    My take on high places is the high places are of the world. I have trouble understanding the view that high places is heavenly places so agree that undue license is taken in the translation to make it heavenly places which it does not say. and the spiritually wicked are fallen angels who are in...
  9. Clayman

    A few words of wisdom

    Figuratively Jesus was the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the earth, so before the garden was created, the plan was in place to rescue you and me :)
  10. Clayman

    A few words of wisdom

    I see it as part of Gods plan.
  11. Clayman

    A few words of wisdom

    I dont quite see it as a lie, I see it more as manipulation of facts.
  12. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    Oh so nothing that specifically says that this happens in heaven, you assume that it is. Since this is one verse in isolation and somewhat ambiguous do you have any other verse's or reasons to support this? In verse 5 Job sends for and sanctifies for his children, so the context to me is Job...
  13. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    I looked up the word convocation which is an assembly of persons called together to a meeting. um yeah I believe the 1:6 meeting was on earth, Job like Abel, Seth and Noah offered a lamb on the alter a sweet smelling aroma to God, is there a verse I can read that shows why you think they meet...
  14. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    Great point :), if in prayer we ask for help in bending our will to align with Gods will, we become more and more Christ like as we mature and will find the idea and the thought of fornication abhorrent, if we find it abhorrent then its easy to observe the contradiction to then fixate upon the...
  15. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    May our will be bent to God rather than trying to bend God to fit what our own wills want. Wait What? Im not the one saying they were in heaven and Im the one with the imagination :LOL:
  16. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    This weird feeling of deja vu is washing over me isnt that weird, Gods character is not going to be one thing one day and another another day. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
  17. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    This weird feeling of deja vu is washing over me isnt that weird, The whole reason we are told there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterwards is so we know that they were already in existence before the sons of Gods took wives. Gen 6:4 There were giants on the earth in those...
  18. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    This is my take on the occurrences of the phrase sons of God Genesis 6:2 is speaking of men Job 1:6 is speaking of men Job 2:1 is speaking of men Job 38:7 Appears to be angels which to me is confusing. Matt 5:9 is speaking of men Luke 20:36 not only men but contrasted to angels Gal 3:6...
  19. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    lol The bible does not say a believer crossed with a non believer makes a giant, it seems you are taking your view of them being hybrids and mistakenly transferring it to others views.
  20. Clayman

    Angels can procreate

    Yes, but more importantly it is evil to God, those who have sex outside of marriage are fornicators. Eph 5:3 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people. 1Thes 4:3 It is God’s will...