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  1. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    yes I do not disagree. when we say anti-Christ do we mean false prophet?
  2. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Hmm, that old prescription is a powerful drug!
  3. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Yes I know "everyone agrees this is not Christ. However, in my frustration of not making sense out of revelation (the way it is being taught) I decided to start fresh with no preconceived ideas and put everything on the table and do the research. I took every action word in chapter six and did...
  4. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,
  5. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    different kind of bow,
  6. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    sorry, I'm new and don't no how to navigate the site yet
  7. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Isaiah 6:9 tells us straight up that things aren't as they appear
  8. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    one of my favorites bot don't want to lean on it too hard
  9. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    So based on your reply and trusting in the scriptures, when you read Isaiah chapter 3 do you see physical things like children, women, clothing, foul smell, jewelry, baldness/nakedness? or do you see spiritual things like teachers that are not skilled in God's word or 7 churches with all kinds...
  10. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    good answer
  11. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Would it make a difference if I could show you that Satan thinks there is something to it? In the 70s the Eagles recorded a song call (peaceful easy feeling), listen to the words again if you are not familiar with it already and look for the spiritual meaning and not the physical that doesn't...
  12. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I think that Isaiah 4:1 confirms this
  13. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Looks to me like the RCC is the mother and the 7 churches of chapters 2&3 are the harlots
  14. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Hmm, KJV Mother of harlots. plural
  15. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Wolf in sheep's clothing, I get it. show me the wolf?
  16. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    I understand the church has a prescription that we are supposed to be following, I'm just asking some basic questions about the wording of the text in Rev 6. I personally think that the white horseman has to be the anti-Christ so we can continue down the path of interpretation that we have...
  17. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Wow, impressive response! can you think of any other place in the bible where an evil person or Satan or any individual other than the Lord is announced with thunder? and did you look back to the original word for bow in the Greek? its only used once in the bible.
  18. P

    Rev 6:1&2 The white horseman,

    Does anyone know why the church has been telling me for years that the white horseman is the anti-Christ? It just doesn't look like it to me!
  19. P

    Isaiah 4:1

    to be more specific the seven women are the seven churches after the Lord has removed the saved